Welcome to InductiveBible.org where the Bible speaks for itself.  The goal of this site is to help you discover for yourself what the Scriptures teach using an inductive method that looks to the Bible to interpret itself.  Here we believe that anything we might say about the Bible isn’t nearly as important as what the Bible says for itself.

Understanding The Bible With an Honest and Good Heart

At InductiveBible.org we believe the Bible is the inspired word of God, which is like an imperishable seed waiting to be planted.  To understand God’s word one needn’t be a Greek or Hebrew scholar (although once in a while that does come in handy!)  All that is really needed is an honest and good heart (Luk 8:15), that like humble soil will receive the seed and allow it to grow.

The Role of God’s Spirit and Faith

In order to understand the Bible as God intended it to be, you have only to be led by the same Spirit that breathed it (2Ti 3:16, NIV) when it was first penned.   If you have a sincere love for the truth all you have to do is ask and God will give you that Spirit and lead you into all truth (Luk 11:13, Joh 16:13). As you ask, have faith to believe that God will answer your prayer, for “without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who seek Him” (Heb 11:6, cf. Deut 4:29).  Also realize that if your faith is not sincere and you have a greater love for this world than you have for the truth that is able to save you, God Himself will answer you according to the intention of your heart and give you over to believe what is false (see Psa 18:25-26, 2Th 2:9-12).

Be Patient and Persevere

Finally, you must also be patient and understand that it takes time for a seed to sprout and grow up to reach full maturity and bear fruit.  The strongest trees that grow the tallest and live the longest can take many years to mature. Therefore it is important to not lose heart when it seems that the seed of God’s word is not sprouting or growing and maturing like you think it should.  Be patient, for in due season you will reap, if you do not grow weary (Gal 6:9).  It is the nature of this present age to want immediate results, but it is in faithfully persevering that a planting of the Lord comes to maturity and bears fruit a hundred times what is sown (see Luk 8:8,15).

If you are new to the Bible

A good place to start is with the series of studies entitled The Basics of Biblical Christianity.  The first lesson there explains where the Bible came from, who wrote it and when, how it is organized, why it is unlike any other book, and many other questions you are likely to have about different Bible translations, the Apocrypha, and if we can even trust that what we accept as the Bible hasn’t been corrupted down through the ages.  The remaining lessons in that series of studies will then take you through a large portion of the Bible from beginning to end to give you an overview of its major teachings.

Check out the many other studies as well!

Our prayer is that God would fill you with the knowledge of His will through all spiritual wisdom and understanding, in order that you may live a life worthy of the Lord and please Him in every way by growing in your knowledge of God (Col 1:9-10, NIV).  May God bless you as you seek first His kingdom and righteousness!

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