Tit 2:1-2 Why was it so important that Titus proclaim to the Cretans the things fitting for sound doctrine? See Tit 1:10-13. Is there any less need for sound doctrine today? Along what lines does Paul organize the teaching with which Titus is to establish the people in sound doctrine? See Tit 2:2,3,4,6,9. How old were the “older men” to whom Paul refers in Tit 2:2? See Lk 1:18 and Phlm 1:9 for the only other NT occurrences of the word used here, which is related to that for “elder” in Tit 2:5, and note that Paul, who considered himself such an old man, was probably around 60 years of age. What is the doctrine for old men that will conform them to godliness and make them sound in the faith? What does Paul mean that they are to be temperate? Note: KJV = sober. In what way is a literal temperance from the inebriating effects of alcohol a picture of the spiritual temperance that should characterize God’s people? See 1 Cor 15:34, 1 Thess 5:6-8, 1 Pet 5:8, Rev 17:2. What does it mean to be dignified? Note: KJV = grave, NIV = worthy of respect; the word means honorable or noble (see Phil 4:8), venerable, august, reverend, and derives from a Greek word meaning to worship; see also Tit 2:7 and 1 Tim 2:2, 3:4,8,11 for this favorite description by Paul of those who through sound doctrine have come to the knowledge of the truth that is according to godliness. What does it mean to be sensible? Note: KJV = temperate, NIV = self-controlled. This word means to be of a sound mind, in one’s senses, sane, especially in a moral/spiritual sense (see Lk 8:35, Acts 26:25), so that the noun form came to be one of the four cardinal virtues of the Greeks (along with wisdom, courage and justice). It is another favorite component of the sound doctrine Paul sets forth in the Pastorals, especially here in Titus 2 (where a form of the word is also found in Tit 2:4,5,6 & 12). In what three things does Paul say older men are especially to be sound? What is the importance of faith and love? See Gal 5:6, 1 Thess 1:2-3, 3:6, 2 Tim 1:13. What is the importance of perseverance (patient endurance, often in the face of suffering)? See Lk 8:15, Rom 2:7, Heb 10:36, James 1:2-4. How is the lack of this quality evident in people’s homes, marriages, jobs, etc…?
Tit 2:3-5 What is the sound doctrine for older women that will conform them to true godliness? What does it mean to be “reverent in their behavior”? Note: KJV = “behavior as becometh holiness”. Note: NASB “malicious gossip” = KJV false accuser, NIV slanderer, literally “devil” as the Greek word is usually translated; what does this teach us about the serious nature of gossip and whom one is most like who does not control his tongue? See also James 3:5-6,8, contrast 1 Pet 3:10. What does “enslaved to much wine” teach us about the potential bondage of alcoholic beverages? How does alcohol enslave a person? See Prov 23:31. In 1 Cor 14:34-35 Paul says the women are to keep silent when the church is gathered for worship and in 1 Tim 2:12 he says he does not allow a woman to teach or exercise authority over a man; but here in Tit 2:3 he says the older women are to teach what is good; who then are they to teach, and when and where? What are the good things they are to teach the younger women that are fitting for sound doctrine? See Tit 2:4-5. Note: NASB “encourage” in Tit 2:4 (KJV teach, NIV train) is literally the verbal form of the word translated “sensible” in Tit 2:2,5,6, and 12, so if it were proper English would be best translated as to “sensiblize” or “soberize” the young women; in regard to what 7 things are the older women to bring younger women to their senses? Is there a need for younger women today to come to their senses in regard to these things? Considering the importance of the home to our Christian walk, is this ministry of older women in the church any less important than that of the men? For what purpose does Paul say in Tit 2:5 that younger women are to come to their senses in regard to their traditional role? Note: NASB “dishonored” is literally “blasphemed”, as the KJV translates. What is the implication for those women who reject their traditional role in the home? See also 1 Tim 5:14-15.