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Heb 10:1-4     With what two words does the author contrast the law of Moses and the “good things to come” under the new covenant?  See Heb 10: 1.  How do we know that the provisions in the old covenant can not make perfect those who draw near to God?  See Heb 10:2-4.  Compare the Roman Catholic sacraments of the mass and confession (penance) to the continual offerings and reminder of sins under the old covenant; what do Heb 10:2-3 indicate about how these contrast with the once for all sacrifice of Christ?  Is there a reminder of sins with Christ’s better sacrifice?  See Heb 10:17-18.  As the repeated sacrifices of the old covenant were a continual reminder of sin, what new covenant practice is also a reminder, and of what does it remind us?  See 1 Cor 11:24-25.  What does he mean by “consciousness of sins” in Heb 10: 2?  See Heb 10: 22, 9:9,14.

Heb 10:5-18:   How does the author argue in Heb 10:5-9 that the sacrifices under the old covenant were inadequate?  See esp. Heb 10:8-9.  What does he say had to be taken away in order to establish the doing of God’s will?  By what means was the entire old covenant with its inadequate sacrifices, priesthood, and law taken away and nullified?  See Heb 10:10-14; cf. 9:14-17, 8:13.  What major defect of the old covenant sacrifices does the author emphasize?  See Heb 10:1,4,11.  What does this emphasis teach us about the great significance of Christ’s sacrifice and the new covenant effected through His blood?  See Heb 10:14-18.  What is the significance that “for all time” in Heb 10: 14 is the same phrase translated in Heb 10: 1 as “continually”?  What do Heb 10:14 & 17-18 teach us about the continuous efficacy of Christ’s one sacrifice to provide for our complete salvation through the complete removal and forgiveness of all sins: past, present, and future?  Note especially the NASB text note on Heb 10: 14 and the NIV rendering, “by one sacrifice he has made perfect forever those who are being made holy”.  See also Heb 9:26.

Heb 10:19-25: How do Heb 10:19-21 summarize the better things the recipients have in Christ than are available through the legal religion of the Jews to which they were being tempted to fall away?  What words indicate the better ministry, the better sanctuary, the better sacrifice, the better covenant, and the better high priest?  In what way was Christ’s flesh like the veil of the temple?  Cf. Mat 27:51.  In light of the better things available in Christ, what conclusions does the author draw for his readers in Heb 10:22-25?  What four characteristics are to mark our approach to God?  See Heb 10: 22.  How are we to hold fast our confession, and why?  See Heb 10: 23.  What does “without wavering” mean?  See Heb 3:14.  What is requisite for stimulating one another to love and good deeds?  See Heb 10: 25.  Is it just once or twice a week that we are to encourage one another?  See Heb 3:13.  What is the great significance of “one another” in Heb 10:24-25 that is at odds with the solo ministry of a professional clergy that marks most churches today?

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