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Consider again all the preparations that go into a great feast to which many are invited and what those preparations represented in regard to the appearance of Christ at that momentous occasion in the history of mankind to establish His kingdom.  Consider too the personal and joyous nature of the feast and its political significance for the future domestic tranquility of the people: it was a wedding feast for the king’s son who would reign over his kingdom; thus the king’s people who were in league or covenant with him were invited.  Compare the royal wedding of Prince William of England to Kate Middleton: what preparations went into that momentous event that was declared a national holiday, had over 5000 parties associated with it and was broadcast around the world?  How would a human king feel towards guests whom he had personally invited that refused to come and made light of such an occasion?  What does the parable indicate is the way God felt by the slight of the religious leaders, and what was His reaction?  See Mat 22:7.  What does this teach us is the great danger of making light of the gospel call upon our lives that the wedding invitation in the parable represents?  Cf. Heb 2:1-3a, 10:29, 12:25.

Consider the pageantry of William and Kate’s royal wedding and the great honor it would have been to be invited to such a once-in-a-lifetime event; can we imagine receiving a formal invitation and not going, let alone refusing not one but two personal summons pleading for us to attend?  And yet how much more significant and momentous for all eternity is the wedding feast for God’s Son to which we are invited?  And how many personal summons has God made through His servants for us to come to His feast?  For what three reasons then do people make light of His call and refuse to come?  Cf. Mat 21:38, 22:5, Heb 11:6.  Do we pay no attention and neglect God’s call to come because we want to be our own master and the lord of our own vineyard, or because we are too busy doing our own thing and building our own kingdom, or because we lack the faith to believe that there is great joy and reward for those who will forsake serving themselves and come as servants of the King to eat of the feast He has prepared in His word?  What is the root sin behind all three of these reasons for neglecting God’s call?  Is it a small, insignificant pride that would willfully neglect events of such significance?  Can you think of anything more significant in the history of the entire world than the joyous and bountiful feast God has provided for the eternal salvation of our souls?

Consider that the English word for insolent pride is hubris, which derives from the Greek word used in Mat 22:6 for mistreated (NAS), treated shamefully (ESV) or spitefully (NKJ).  In what way is such treatment the natural response of man’s sinful pride against those who would remind him that he is not the master of his own kingdom, that he answers to another besides himself, and that he is under the authority of another who is King?  How does this help us understand the truth of 2Ti 3:12 that everyone who wants to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted?  What examples do we have of the godless from their insolent pride treating God’s servants shamefully?  Cf. 1Ki 22:8,27, Jer 36:22-26, Dan 3:13-15,19-20, as well as the many modern atheists who treat shamefully those who disagree with their philosophy of materialistic naturalism.  However, to whom do we understand Jesus to be referring in the parable as mistreating the king’s slaves even unto death?  So, is religion alone a guard against such insolent pride?  What examples throughout history do we have of those who are the most religious treating God’s true servants the most shamefully?  Cf. 1Sa 13:8-12, 14:24, 15:20-21, 18:12-15, 22:11-13ff, Mat 12:14, Mar 14:1, Act 5:33,40-41, etc…, as well as the example of the Roman Catholic church, Church of England, Lutherans, Calvinists, etc… who persecuted unto death the Waldensians, Lollards, Hussites, and Anabaptists?  What does Paul say is the way for true Christians to guard against such hubris?  See Rom 12:3,16.  What does Paul mean to be wise in one’s own estimation, and what is it that prevents one from being such?  Cf. Rom 11:25, Pro 3:7, 12:15, 14:12, 21:2, 26:5, Num 15:38-39.  In what way are all those wise in their own estimation whose religion or theology leads them to act insolently against those who would call them to the King’s feast?  What does Scripture say is the likelihood of them ever being saved?  See Pro 26:12.  What does this again remind us about the importance to salvation of having a love for the truth?  Cf. 2Th 2:10-12.

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