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Rom 1: 18-19 What is the great significance that Paul uses the present tense in saying God’s wrath is revealed?  Is the judgment of God only a future event?  What is the connection between the righteousness of God being revealed (Rom 1: 17) and the wrath of God being revealed (Rom 1: 18)?  Can man know the righteousness of God without first understanding the condemnation that is upon him for his sins?  In what ways do men “suppress the truth in unrighteousness” today?  Why is God’s wrath against man just?  See Rom 1: 19.

Rom 1: 20-23 Throughout the history of mankind many have reasoned that since God is invisible we can’t really know that He exists, and therefore we cannot ultimately be held accountable to honor Him as God.  What do Paul’s words in Rom 1: 20 teach us about how this argument will stand up in the day of judgment?  How is the unseen nature of God in fact clearly visible so that men are without excuse?  What are the implications of this truth for the vast multitudes today, including many nominal Christians, who suppose their ignorance of God prevents them from being liable unto condemnation?  What is the result to themselves when people suppress the plain and evident truth and will not glorify God?  See also Eph 4:17-19.  In what ways do we see that people today have become “futile in their speculations”?  What examples do we have of people who profess to be wise but in fact are fools?  What does Rom 1: 21 teach us about the importance of sincere gratitude to God?  See also 2 Tim 3:2.

Rom 1: 24-25 What is the great danger to a person who is bent on rejecting God and whose heart is inclined to believe the lie?  See Rom 1: 24, 26, 28.  What is the lie?  See Gen 3:4-5.  What does this teach us about the importance of having a sincere love for the truth?  See 2 Thess 2:9-12.  What created things do people worship and serve today instead of God?  In what way is sexual impurity merely an indication of a deeper spiritual impurity that is the real problem?  See James 4:4.  Should we be surprised when people who commit spiritual fornication or adultery with the world also do so physically?

Rom 1: 26-27 Consider the New York Stock Exchange where stocks and other financial commodities are bought and sold.  With the “infinite wisdom” man acquired when he fell into sin (see Gen 3:6), what “bargains” or “trades” did he make in the Marketplace of Ideas?  See Rom 1: 23,25,26-27?  What is the “due penalty” or “recompense” (KJV) for the sins of sexual perversion?  What do these verses teach us about the true cause of homosexuality and sexually transmitted diseases?  Is homosexuality something a person is born with, or something that is acquired as a result of sin?  Should we be surprised when people who are already in bed with the rest of the men of the world also announce they are gay?

Rom 1: 28-32 To what has God given mankind over as a result of his trading away the truth for a lie?  See also Rom 1: 24 & 26.  With what sort of things is a man’s heart filled as a result of him rejecting the truth and being given over to a depraved mind?  See also Mark 7:21-23.  Note: the words Paul uses for “filled” and “full” may be translated more expressively as “filled to the brim with” and “stuffed full of”.  Is it only coincidence that such people as these are also “haters of God”?  Children, do you understand that your disobedience to your parents is a result of your depraved understanding of God’s truth, and it will destroy you?  Note: NASB “untrustworthy” means literally “one who does not keep a covenant” (KJV = covenant breakers); what is the significance of this in light of the many divorces we see today, especially among those who claim to be Christians?  In spite of all the lies and deception to the contrary, deep in their heart of hearts do people know that their evil is wrong?  See Rom 1: 32.  Why then do those who engage in such wickedness as Paul describes also “give hearty approval” to those who do the same?  See John 3:19, 12:43.  What enabled Paul to write with such insight about man’s depravity?  See Acts 8:1, 22:20, 1 Tim 1:12-15.

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