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Rom 5:1-5     What is the result of being justified by faith?  Is it possible to have true peace while trying to be justified by the works of the Law?  What three things does Paul say a Christian can exult in?  See Rom 5:2,3,11.  Note: Paul’s words in Rom 5:1-3 may also be translated as “let us have (i.e., enjoy or retain) peace…”, “let us exult in hope…”, and “let us also exult in our tribulations”; see NASB text notes.  What does he mean that we exult in hope of the glory of God?  See Rom 5:9-10, 2 Cor 3:18,.  How does being justified by faith allow one to exult in the midst of tribulation?  Has he need any longer to fear death?  What positive outcomes result from tribulations?  Is tribulation and suffering something to be avoided at all cost, or embraced? What is the connection between the tribulation of suffering and glory?  See Rom 5:2-3, 8:17-18, 2 Cor 4:17, 1 Pet 1:11.

Rom 5:5-11   As Christians our hope of eternal life is that our lives shall be restored to what they were in Eden and we shall be clothed with the glory man had before he fell into sin; what allows us to expect that we shall not be disappointed in this hope?  What truth demonstrates the great love of God upon which Christians base all their eternal hopes?  See Rom 5:6-8, 8:32.  Note on Rom 5:7: a “righteous man” refers to someone who does the right thing; a person would hardly die for another who simply does the right thing.  A “good man” refers to someone who is not only righteous, but also kind and beneficent; for such a person another might conceivably lay down his life.  How is God’s love far greater?  See Rom 5:8.  Is being justified or reconciled the same thing as being saved?  See Rom 5:9-10.  What is the difference between being reconciled by Christ’s death but saved by His life?  From what is one ultimately and finally saved?  See Rom 5:9.  What brings about the wrath of God?  See Rom 1:18, 2:2,5,8.  What does this teach us about the nature of true salvation?

Rom 5:12-14 Though all men before the time of Moses were sinners in the eyes of God, was it the case that all were as guilty as Adam, who broke a clear commandment?  Why not?  See Rom 5:13.  Did this prevent the effects of their sin from coming upon them?  What do these verses teach us about the terrible and pervasive power of sin?  See also Rom 8:20-22, 1 Cor 5:6, Gal 5:9.

Rom 5:15-19 Compare and contrast the one transgression of the one man Adam with the one act of righteousness of the one man Jesus.  Is the terrible power of sin to destroy and bring death as great as the power of God’s gift of grace to bring life?  Paul writes that as condemnation came to all men as a result of Adam’s sin, so justification of life came to all men as a result of Christ’s sacrifice (Rom 5:18); does this mean that all will be saved?  Although death came upon all men as a result of Adam’s one sin, does it follow that all who have died physically have suffered an eternal death?  See Mat 22:32.  Does it then follow that although justification of life came to all men as a result of Christ’s sacrifice that all will have eternal life?  What must one do to “reign in life” through Jesus Christ?  See Rom 5:17, John 1:12.  Is it possible to receive the abundance of grace and gift of God’s righteousness without also receiving a love for the truth?  See 2 Thess 2:10-12.

Rom 5:20-21 What was the purpose of the law?  See also Rom 7:7-13.  Compare the power of the law to bring death through the sin which it aroused (Rom 7:5, see also 2 Cor 3:7) with the power of God’s grace to bring life through the righteousness that comes from faith apart from the law.  Was it possible for the power of sin, aroused as it was by the law (see 1 Cor 15:56) to increase beyond the power of God’s grace to overcome it?  What does this teach us about the purpose of the law in relation to God’s grace?  What two reigns are mentioned in these verses?  See also Rom 5:14 and 17.  Which is reigning in your life: sin unto death, or grace unto righteousness?

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