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Rom 6:1-2     In the previous verses Paul argued that the purpose of the law was so that transgression might increase and sin be shown for what it really is.  However, as awful as the power of sin is, God’s grace is even greater to overcome it.  Hence man’s inability to keep the law actually magnifies the great grace of God.  What question does Paul anticipate from a perversion of this truth?  How are those who would peddle salvation for worldly profit (such as those who in the past sold indulgences, or those today who preach grace to the exclusion of repentance) guilty of advancing this perversion?  See Jude 1:4.  What is Paul’s short and emphatic answer?

Rom 6:3-7     What do these verses teach us about the significance of baptism?  How is baptism a picture of what it means to become a Christian by uniting ourselves with Christ in a covenant relationship?  What is the importance of Christ’s death to our salvation?  See Mat 26:28, Eph 1:7.  What is the importance of His resurrection?  See Rom 6:4, 1 Cor 15:17.  What do these verses teach us about the necessity of being united with Christ in His death in order that we may also be united with Him in His resurrection life?  See Phil 3:10-11.  Is our resurrection with Christ only a future event?  See Col 2:12, 3:1.   What do Rom 6:6-7 teach us about the only way to be freed from the power of sin?  See also Gal 2:20.

Rom 6:8-13   When Paul says in Rom 6:8 that we shall live with Christ, does he refer only to some future life, or also to the present?  What does he mean by “live”?  See Rom 6:4, John 10:10.  How do Rom 6:9-10 contradict the sacrificial meaning of the Roman Catholic mass?  Describe the key elements of the gospel found in Rom 6:8-11.  What does Paul conclude should be the practical result in the life of a true believer who has united himself with Christ in His death and resurrection?  See Rom 6:11-13.  When Paul writes in Rom 6:12 that we should not let sin reign in our mortal bodies, do you think it is possible for us to do so?  Is there a difference between a person who allows sin to reign in his life and one who though persevering in doing good may occasionally stumble in sin?  Note: NASB “consider” in Rom 6:11 is the same word translated as “reckon” throughout Rom 4 (see especially Rom 4:22-24), where Paul wrote that God will reckon to us as righteousness our faith in Him who raised Jesus from the dead; what does this teach us about the sort of faith that God reckons as righteousness?  Notice that the faith that God reckons to one as righteousness is the faith that reckons what is not as if it is.  Explain how such faith reflects God’s own nature, was true of Abraham, and must also be true of us.  See again Rom 6:11, 4:18-24, Heb 11:8-9,13.

Rom 6:14-23 For what reason does Paul say a Christian need not allow sin to lord over him?  See Rom 6:14.  What is the relationship between the law and sin?  See Rom 5:13,20-21, 7:7, 1 Cor 15:56.  Why is a Christian no longer under the law?  See 7:1,4.  What perversion of this truth does Paul anticipate in Rom 6:15?  How does he answer it?  See Rom 6:16.  If a person is set free from the law only and not from sin itself, is he truly free?  Is he really “saved”?  See Rom 6:23, 5:13-14.  How is one truly freed from the bondage of sin?  See Rom 6:17,19.  The ransom of Christ’s blood purchased our release from our slavery to sin; does this mean we are now free to continue to serve our own fleshly appetites?  To whom do we now belong?  Who is our master, and what is our service?  See Rom 6:18-19, 1 Cor 6:19-20.  From the very beginning Satan’s lie has been that man can continue in sin and not surely die; it is The Lie that man’s flesh has always wished could be true, and which Satan’s brood, the false prophets, have always proclaimed.  And yet what does God’s word confirm will forever and always be the outcome or wages of sin?  See Rom 6:21,23, Gen 2:17, Gal 6:7-8.  What is the only way to achieve the outcome of eternal life?  See Rom 6:22.  In what way is that still a free gift (Rom 6:23)?  If a person claims to follow Christ, and yet continues to serve sin, is the Christ he is following the true Christ?  See Mat 24:4-5,24, 1 Jn 2:18, 3:2-10.

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