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Rom 15:1-6     Over what issues were there disputes among the Roman believers?  See Rom 14:2,5.  How has Paul already begun to address how to resolve those disputes?  See Rom 14:13,19.  Did the truth and Paul’s understanding of it favor one view over the other in the matters being disputed?  See Rom 14:14,20.  In spite of that truth and his influential position to force it upon those who disagreed, what did Paul commend instead, both in word and by his own example?  See Rom15:1-2.  Why?  See Rom 15:3, 1 Cor 10:33, 2 Cor 13:10.  To what does Paul refer in Rom 15:4 that was written in earlier times?  While Rom 15:4 is parenthetical to his present argument, what does it teach us about the importance of the Old Covenant scriptures to our New Covenant understanding?  See also 1 Cor 10:11, 2 Tim 3:16-17.  For what two things especially relevant to the disputes in Rome is the instruction from Scripture important?  See Rom 15:4-5.  Why are those qualities necessary if a body of believers is to be of the same mind with one another?  What does it mean to be of the same mind?  See Rom 12:16, 1 Cor 1:10, Phil 2:2-3.  Since different people are often of a different mind, whose mind should we have?  See Rom 12:2, 1 Cor 2:16, Phil 2:5 (KJV).  Is it possible for people to be of the same mind without perseverance and the encouragement of the Scriptures?

Rom 15:7-13   What is Paul’s grand conclusion for how Christians are to resolve disputes about matters of conscience?  See Rom 15:7, 14:1.  How did Christ accept us?  Did Christ accept us only after we had come to perfect knowledge and attained a certain level of Christian maturity?  Why is the application of Rom 15:7 so important for successful relationships in our homes and marriages?  In what way was Christ’s acceptance of the Gentiles to the glory of God?  See Rom 15:9-12.  In what way is our acceptance of one another also to His glory?  See Rom 15:6, John 17:18-23.  What is the force of his argument that since Christ accepted the believers in Rome they ought therefore to accept one another?  See Rom 15:8 and also Eph 2:11-12.  In what way do Rom 15:9-13 illustrate the truth of Rom 15:4 and conclude the topic of accepting others?  If the Gentile Christians in Rome can through perseverance and the encouragement of the Scriptures have hope that God has in Christ accepted them, may they not also hope that by the power of the Holy Spirit they may yet among themselves abound in joy and peace in spite of their differences of opinion?

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