What is meant by a desolation? See Isa 1:7, 13:9, Jer 6:8, etc… Of what in particular had Jesus just spoken that would be left desolate, and that prompted this whole discourse? See Mat 23:38; cf. Lev 26:31-35, Isa 64:10-11. Throughout Jeremiah and Ezekiel who both prophesied before and during the fall of Jerusalem and the destruction of Solomon’s temple, what did they say was the cause of such desolation, and what in particular did they refer to such things as? See Jer 6:8,13-15, 7:8-11, 9:11-16, 22:3-5, 32:33-35, 44:2-6,22-23, Eze 5:9-14, 6:11-14, 23:33-37, 33:28-29. See also 2Ch 36:14-21 and recall that it was in regard to the abominations Israel had committed and the desolation of Jerusalem and the temple that Daniel was confessing the sins of Israel and petitioning God when Gabriel spoke to him about the abomination of desolation. Recalling the context of the Jewish religious leaders’ rejection of Jesus in the preceding chapters of Matthew, what else did Jeremiah say was a cause of such desolations? See Jer 10:21-22, 12:10-11; cf. Eze 8:7-13; see also Luk 16:13-15 where the Greek word for abomination is translated detestable, as well as Rev 17:4-5 where false religion is personified as a harlot who rather than being the holy bride of Christ prostitutes herself with the world. What then is meant by the abomination of desolation? Is it just an idol set up in a physical temple or some similar act of sacrilege against a religious site? Or is it a spirit of harlotry among a people that turns away from God to the world, and that ultimately manifests itself in sacrilegious acts and the desolation of God’s sanctuary as that people is given over to judgment for their sins? Consider: by the time the Roman army planted their eagles in the ruins of Jerusalem and the temple and offered sacrifice to them it was long past the time for Christians to flee for their lives; cf. Luk 21:20 for Luke’s understanding of Jesus’ words. How does this help us to understand Matthew and Mark’s parenthetical comment, let the reader understand?
What is the temple of God’s sanctuary today? See 1Co 3:16, 2Co 6:16-7:1, Eph 2:19-22, Rev 3:12. Read again 2Ch 36:14 and consider: As Daniel had experienced firsthand the desolation of Solomon’s temple for the abominations of Israel that he was confessing, and foresaw the future desolation of another temple for the abominations of which Jesus has just spoken that would lead to the Messiah being cut off, is it possible that a similar desolation could happen to the sanctuary of God’s presence today because all the Church officials and the people likewise become unfaithful and follow after all the abominations of the nations so as to defile the Church which He sanctified by the blood of His own dear Son? Cf. Heb 10:26-31.