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Eph 4:17-19 In Eph 4:1 Paul admonished the Gentiles to walk in a manner worthy of their calling; how does that contrast with the pattern of the world from which they were called?  See also Lev 18:3.  In what ways does the worldly manner of life lived by so many reflect a futility (vanity or emptiness) of mind?  See Mat 16:26.  What does Paul say in Eph 4:18 excludes or alienates people from the life of God?  Is ignorance bliss?  What does this teach us about the importance of a sound understanding of God’s truth for our salvation and all that is eternal life?  How does one come to such an understanding so as to escape the darkness that alienates men from God?  See Psalm 1:1-2, 19:7-11, Prov 2:2-6, 4:1-7, 8:12-17.  From what does a darkened understanding and ignorance of God’s truth ultimately arise, and to what does it lead?  See Eph 4:18b-19, Rom 1:18-28.  What does this teach us about the great danger to those whose hearts are not fully committed to understanding and walking in the truth?  See also 2 Thess 2:10-12.

Eph 4:20-24 What do we learn from these verses about what Paul and the early church taught was important for true salvation?  Is that different from what is often taught today?  How does Paul describe the nature of our old man of sin in Eph 4:22?  What is it that is so corrupting to that fallen nature?  In what ways are the lusts of our carnal flesh deceitful?  How does one lay aside the old man?  See Rom 6:6, Luke 9:23-24, John 12:24.  Why is it so important to be renewed in the spirit of our minds?  See Eph 4:17-18, Rom 8:6, 12:2.  What is the relationship between putting on the new man and being renewed in the spirit of our minds?  See also Col 3:10.  How are our minds renewed?  See Deut 6:6-9, Josh 1:8, Col 3:16.  How does Paul describe the nature of the new man in Eph 4:24?  Does God really expect us to be like Him?  See Mat 5:48, 2 Cor 3:18, Col 3:10, 1 John 3:2.

Eph 4:25-32 In these verses Paul begins to enumerate some concrete, practical ways for how Christians are to walk in a manner worthy of their calling.  What does he say to put off or lay aside in regard to the old man, and what does he say to put on in regard to the new man?  See Eph 4:25, 28, 29, 31-32.  Why are both necessary?  Note: What happens if the weeds on a piece of land are cleared but nothing good is then planted to replace them; does the land remain cleared?  What grows back up?  In what way does harboring resentment give the devil an opportunity or foothold in our lives?  See also 2 Cor 2:10-11, 1 Pet 5:8.  What is Paul’s advice for how to prevent this?  See Eph 4:26, 31.  How would our marriage and home relationships be benefited by heeding Paul’s words in Eph 4:26b?  What does it mean that we were sealed by (or in, or with) the Holy Spirit for the day of redemption?  See Eph 1:13-14, 2 Cor 1:22.  How might one grieve the Holy Spirit, and what is the great danger in doing so?  See Isaiah 63:8-10, Heb 10:26-29, Num 15:30-31, Mark 3:28-29.  For what reason does Paul say in Eph 4:25 that it is important for Christians to be truthful to one another?  See also Eph 4:15 and think: what would happen to our physical bodies if its various parts were to give false messages to other parts—say the eye to the hand, or the various cells to the immune system?  Why are Paul’s words in Eph 4:31 so important to the unity of a body of believers?  See also Col 3:8-9.  What might these words indicate about the problems facing the Gentile believers in Asia to whom he was writing?  Do we face those same problems today?  How do we overcome them?  See Eph 4:32, Col 3:12-17.

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