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Tit 3:1-2     What is the importance of the people of God remembering and a minister reminding them of God’s truth?  See Num 15:39-40, Dt 8:11-18, 2 Pet 1:12-13, Jude 1:5.  Does the Bible call us to remember and warn us to not forget its truth because it is unlikely that we will?  What then must we be careful to do?  See Josh 1:8.  Of what in particular does Paul want Titus to remind the Cretans?  In what 3-fold way does he emphasize the importance of being subject to authority?  Note: NASB “to be obedient” refers specifically to being obedient to authority; KJV = “to obey magistrates”.  What is the danger of disrespecting even godless, evil authority?  See 2 Pet 2:9-11, Jude 1:8-10, Rom 13:1-2.  To what extent must we obey an unjust, evil authority?  See Rom 13:7, Lk 20:25.  What does it mean to “malign” no one?  Note: KJV = speak evil, NIV = slander, lit. “blaspheme” or “injure the reputation”.  Are we careful to speak evil of no one?  NASB “gentle” = considerate, kind, tolerant.  What does it mean to show “every consideration” for all men?  Note: KJV = all meekness, NIV = true humility, NET = complete courtesy; Friberg’s Lexicon defines the Greek word used (prau<thj)as a quality of gentle friendliness, or meekness—as a strength that accommodates to another’s weakness.  Does this describe our manner toward “all men”, even those who oppose the truth and are wicked?

Tit 3:3-7     Why does Paul say Christians are to be uncontentious, gentle and courteous even towards those who are loathsome sinners?  See Tit 3:3, Mat 18:33, Eph 4:32, Col 3:12-13.  How are each of the 7 qualities Paul mentions in Tit 3:3 a perfect description of the unsaved?  Do any of them still describe us?! What is the implication of Paul’s wording that true Christians “once were” foolish, etc… (Tit 3:3), “but” (Tit 3:4), “He saved us” (Tit 3:5)?  From what does God our Savior save us?  See again Tit 3:3.  Does He save us because we first “prove” ourselves to Him by some act of righteousness?  See Tit 3:5, Prov 21:27, Is 64:6.  On what basis does He save us?  See Tit 3:4-5.  Given the example of our God toward us while we were yet sinners, should we require that sinners first “prove” themselves to us before reaching out to them in love?  How ought we to treat them?  See again Tit 3:2.  What do Tit 3:4-5 teach us about the origin and object of true Christian philanthropy?  Note: “love for mankind” in Tit 3:4 translates the Greek word philanthropia.  By what two-fold means does God save us?  See Tit 3:5.  What is another name for the “washing of regeneration”? (Justification: see Tit 3:7).  What is another name for the “renewing by the Holy Spirit”? (Sanctification: see 2 Thess 2:13).  As “being justified by His grace” in Tit 3:7 corresponds to the washing of regeneration in Tit 3:5, what is it that makes us “heirs according to the hope of eternal life” (Tit 3:7)?  See Tit 3:5.  Into whose image does the Holy Spirit renew us that we might be made heirs who have a hope of that eternal life that is life indeed?  See Col 3:10, Eph 4:20-24, Jn 17:3.  How can we know that our hope of eternal life will not prove vain and we be disappointed or put to shame because our confidence was misplaced?  See Rom 5:5.  How can we know that the love of God has been poured out within our hearts?  See Rom 5:6-8, and again Tit 3:2 here in Titus 3.  Through whom was the Holy Spirit who sanctifies us from sin poured out upon us?  See Tit 3:6, Jn 16:7, Acts 2:33, 10:45.  How is baptism a fitting symbolic picture of both the washing of regeneration and renewing by the Holy Spirit who was “poured” out upon us?  See also Rom 6:1-5.

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