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Heb 2:1-4     Considering that God has now spoken through His Son who is superior even to the angels, what warning is invoked upon Christians, and why?  See Heb 2:1.  What is the great danger of drifting away from the truth?  See Heb 2:2-3a.  What is the great significance—especially to those who were in danger of retreating into the Jewish religion—that Jesus is superior to the angels?  I.e., what is the “word spoken through angels” that was “unalterable”?  Cf. Acts 7:38,53, Gal 3:19, Dt 33:2, Ps 68:17.  In what way was the law unalterable or steadfast (KJV)?  See Mat 5:18, Lk 16:17.  Does the author seem to be saying that because of the greater revelation of God’s truth through His Son, Christians are even more accountable, and our every transgression and disobedience is even more certain to be recompensed?  Cf. 2 Cor 5:10, Mat 16:27.  What does it mean to “neglect” so great a salvation?  See Mat 22:5 for the same Greek word; cf. Mark 4:18-19.  From what does the author imply we shall not escape if through neglect we drift away from God’s salvation?  See Heb 12:25, Rom 2:3, Mat 23:33, 1 Thess 5:3.  Are we careful to pay close attention to what we have heard?  Do we understand the great danger to our souls of “drifting away”?  On what basis does the author remind his readers of the veracity of the gospel truth they had previously accepted?  How could they be certain in this time of being tempted to fall away that those who had taught them the gospel had not simply misled them with “persuasive words of wisdom” or “cleverness of speech” (1 Cor 1:17)?  See Heb 2:4; cf. 1 Cor 2:4-5.  Is the gospel message proclaimed in most churches today based upon the demonstration of God’s power through His Holy Spirit to truly transform lives and make them holy as He is holy, or upon “persuasive words of wisdom” and “cleverness of speech”?  In time of persecution what is likely to happen to those whose faith is not based upon the demonstrated power of the Spirit, but upon the ad-appeal of a worldly church?  See Mk 4:17.  What is our own faith based upon?  Which do we use to make the gospel appealing to others, including our own children?  Consider that the author was able in a time when believers were threatened with a fearsome death to appeal to miracles, signs and wonders they had experienced; what does this teach us about the reality of such miracles?  Considering that the recipients were beginning to drift away even after witnessing the mighty wonders of God, what are we to learn about the power of our experiences to preserve us?  Confer the example of the children of Israel after witnessing God’s plagues on the Egyptians and their deliverance through the Red Sea and the giving of the law (Ex 15:22-24, 16:1-3, 17:1-3, 32:1).  What does preserve us?  See Heb 2:1; cf. Dt 8:1-2,11-14, 10:12-13, 11:1-9, etc…  What is it that ultimately causes us to drift away and that we must be ever careful to guard against?  See Heb 3:7-9.  What is it that ultimately preserves us?  See Rev 14:7, Ecc 12:13, Deut 10:12, Jer 32:39-40.

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