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Mat 6:9          Are we to understand from Jesus’ words that there is something especially holy or even “magical” about the Lord’s Prayer so that we should recite it on a regular basis to attract God’s attention to our petition?  See Mat 6:7.  See also Luk 11:1 and observe that the Lord’s Prayer is a framework or pattern that Jesus taught His disciples so they could pray meaningfully according to God’s will; compare various acrostics like PRAY (Praise + Repentance + Ask for others + Your needs) or ACTS (Adoration + Confession + Thanksgiving + Supplication).  What does “Our Father” indicate about the nature of God and our relationship to Him?  See Joh 1:12, Rom 8:16-17, Gal 4:6-7, 1Jo 3:1-2.  Why is that important?  See Mat 6:7-8, 7:9-11.  What is significant about Him being in Heaven?  See Isa 55:8-9, Rom 11:33-36.  What should always be our first response in prayer because of these truths?  See Mat 6:9c, as well as the “P” and “A” in the PRAY and ACTS acrostics.  What does “hallowed” mean?  Note: the Greek word used is translated nearly every other time as some form of “sanctify”, i.e., to make holy.  How does asking that God honor and exalt His own name contrast with the name our fallen human nature typically seeks to honor and exalt?

Mat 6:10        Are we to pray that our kingdom would come, or that our will would be done?  Whose will is done in heaven?  How does this contrast with the popular perception most people have of heaven?  What does it mean in regard to ourselves for God’s kingdom to come, and His will to be done, on earth as it is done in heaven?  See Mat 5:20-22, 27-28, 33-34, 38-39, 43-44, 48.  In regard to our family members and home life? See Col 3:18-21.  In regard to our Christian family / church?  See Tit 2:2-6, Eph 6:18, Col 3:12-17.  In regard to our friends and neighbors? See Rom 12:17-18, 1Ti 2:4.  In regard to our city, state and nation? See 1Ti 2:1-2.  In regard to our enemies? See 2Ti 2:25-26.  In regard to the going forth of the gospel to those who haven’t heard? See Mat 28:19-20, Act 4:29-30.  In regard to those we support as missionaries? See Eph 6:19.  In regard to nations “closed” to the gospel that persecute Christ’s followers? See Eph 6:12.  Etc…

Mat 6:11        What aspect of our lives does Mat 6:11 encompass?  Does the pattern for prayer that Jesus gives in Mat 6:11 include only the necessity of food, or does it extend to whatever physical necessities we may have, whether it be food, clothing, housing, education, transportation, etc…?  What does this verse teach us about God’s concern for our daily necessities of life?  See also Mat 6:26.  What is the difference between a necessity and a luxury?  Is there a danger in confusing these?  See Jam 4:1-4.  Did Jesus say we should pray, “Give us enough bread to last at least a year in the future so we won’t have to trust you anew each day?”  Cf. Luk 12:19-21.  What is the significance of “daily” in Mat 6:11?  Is there labor on our part involved with God providing for our daily needs?  As the provision for our daily necessities is related to our job, which is itself related to our education, what does this teach us about the importance of praying for the various aspects related to these?  Is it only for our daily physical bread that we should pray?  See Mat 4:4.  Is there labor on our part involved with God providing for our daily spiritual needs?  What does this teach us about the need to pray for and pursue that which is necessary to feed ourselves spiritually (including the educational tools), in the same way that we pray for and pursue an education and vocation that is necessary to feed ourselves physically?

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