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What two additional things happened when Jesus got into the boat that contributed to the miraculous nature of this event?  See Mat 14:32, Mar 6:51, Joh 6:21.  What does this illustrate about how, while we are in midst of the sea of this world and are battered by the waves and straining at the oars, we are able to find peace, overcome the winds that are contrary, and straightly find our way to safety upon the land to which we are going?  Are we, like the disciples, willing to receive Jesus into our boat (Joh 6:21)?  Were the disciples in fact any safer when the wind had stopped and they found themselves upon the land to which they were going than when they were upon the raging sea with the eye of Jesus upon them?  Think: did the winds and the waves seem to bother Jesus at all as He came to them upon the water?  See also Mar 4:36-41.  Have we as much confidence in God’s sovereign care that we need not be anxious and can find rest even though the winds prevail and do not cease?  Cf. Psa 91, 107:23-32, and Paul’s shipwreck in Acts 27.  What was the response of His disciples in the boat at the three-fold miracle of Jesus coming to them upon the water in the midst of a raging storm, and then the wind stopping and them coming immediately to the land when He got into the boat?  See Mar 6:51, Mat 14:33.

What happened when they came to land at Gennesaret?  Mat 14:55, Mar 6:54.  What does this indicate about how the news of Jesus had spread throughout that whole region?  See again Mat 14:1.  What does Mar 6:55-56 and Joh 6:59 with its preceding context indicate about where Jesus went from Gennesaret and how long it was before He returned to Capernaum?  Observe that at some short time later, probably on the next Sabbath, Jesus had returned to Capernaum to teach in the synagogue, at which time after the feeding of the 5000 He delivered His Bread of Life discourse to many of those who would have partook of that miracle.

What do both Matthew and Mark indicate about the manner in which those who were sick were seeking to be healed?  See Mat 14:36, Mar 6:56; cf. Mat 9:20, Luk 8:44.  What was the purpose and significance of the “fringe” or “tassels” (Mat 23:5) that God commanded the Jews to put on the corners of their garments?  See Num 15:38-40 where the same Greek word used in these passages is found in the LXX, and observe that the “fringe” was a sign of remembrance to keep the commandments and be holy; see also Deut 22:12 (KJV = fringe) and Zec 8:23 for the only other occurrences.  In this light, what was the significance that those who were seeking to be healed were “entreating him that they might just touch the fringe of His cloak”?  What does this indicate about their understanding of the relationship between holiness and healing for health and well-being?  See Exo 15:26, Deut 7:12-15.  Why were they seeking to touch the tassels on His garment?  Cf. Jam 5:16.  What does Matthew say happened to as many as touched it?  See Mat 14:36, and note that “cured” = “bring safely through”; cf. Act 23:24, 27:43-44, 28:1, 1Pe 3:20 for the same word which means lit. “saved through”.  Does this word necessarily indicate an immediate healing for those who touched it, or just that they were brought safely through their affliction?  In what way are we too able to touch the fringe of His garment so as to partake of His holiness and be “saved through” or preserved, not only spiritually but also physically as well?  See Rom 13:14, Gal 3:27, Eph 4:22-24, Col 3:10, 2Pe 1:3-11, esp. 2Pe 1:4.

On the next day after the disciples had crossed the sea to Gennesaret and Jesus had walked on the water to meet them, what does John say the multitudes whom He had fed did when they noticed He wasn’t there?  See Joh 6:22-24.  In Joh 6:23 it says that “there came other small boats from Tiberias near to the place where they ate the bread…”; does this mean that the feeding of the 5000 was near Tiberias (on the far western shore of the lake) as the NET Bible notes advocate, or that the boats from Tiberias came near to where the feeding of the 5000 took place?  Why were all these seeking Him so diligently?  See again Joh 6:15.  Why did they go to Capernaum seeking Him?  Cf. Mat 4:13.  Does John say that they found Him in Capernaum?  See Joh 6:25.  When they did find Him “on the other side of the sea”, perhaps in Gennesaret where he landed with the disciples, or perhaps in “the villages, or cities, or countryside” at “the place that they heard He was” (Mar 6:55-56), or perhaps back in Capernaum when He returned, what was Jesus’ response to them, and what does His response indicate about how He deflated their ambitions to make Him king?  See Joh 6:26 and His whole discourse on the Bread of Life that culminated in many of His disciples grumbling so that many “withdrew and were not walking with Him anymore” (Joh 6:60-66).  What does Jesus’ response to those who were seeking Him to be king indicate about those whom He would have in His kingdom to rule over?  See Joh 6:27.  Are we of those who seek Jesus to rule over us because of the material gain in this world that we suppose we can attain with Him as our leader?  Or are we of those who seek Jesus because we understand the spiritual famine of our lost state and that He has the “words of eternal life” (Joh 6:68) which will fill our hungry souls and provide eternal riches in His spiritual kingdom of righteousness that are far more valuable?  Who are the former in danger of following who seek a Messiah that promises them worldly gain?  See 1Co 11:3-4, 2Th 2:8-12, 2Pe 2:18-19.  Why is that?  See Luk 4:6, 2Co 4:4, Eph 2:2, 1Jo 5:19.

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