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What is foreshadowed by the fact that Jesus was “about to go up to Jerusalem”?  I.e, what is going to happen there?  See Mat 20:18-19.  What is the significance that all these things would happen in Jerusalem?  See Luk 13:33.  What does this teach us about the true nature of persecution and where it comes from?  Does it typically come from the non-religious of the world, or from those who have a form of godliness but still love the world?  In this context, why is it significant that it wasn’t just those who were quasi-religious who would condemn Jesus to death, but the chief priests and scribes who were the most religious?  Who does this teach us is most like Satan: those who are outwardly wicked sinners and make no attempt to hide it, or those who by religious pretense have dressed up the outside to conceal a heart of compromise that chooses expedience over truth because it still loves the world and the things in it?  See 2Co 11:13-15; cf. Joh 11:47-53.  How then is one to discern the true from the false?  See Mat 7:16-18.  Are we true or false? Cf. 2Co 13:5.  Is our fruit that of righteousness and holiness, or mere religious acts?  Do we have a sincere love for the truth, or do we merely read our Bible (if even that) and go to church as a religious exercise or duty—as if fig leaves to cover our real nakedness?  How do we spend our time?  Does the media of the world have our heart, or does God?  What music do we listen to?  What television programs or movies do we enjoy?  Do they reflect the nature and character of God, or of the world?  Are we slaves to God, or slaves to our jobs, to our possessions and passions, to the news and our email?

What does the fact that Jesus took the twelve aside by themselves indicate about how many others may have been traveling with them to Jerusalem?  Cf. Mat 19:2, 20:29.  Why did He take them aside, as opposed to just telling everyone?  Think: what sort of kingdom were the people expecting, and what would such a statement to a sizeable number who held Jesus to be the Messiah lead them to suppose they would need to do in Jerusalem to establish that kingdom?  See Act 5:36-37; cf. Mar 10:32 and think: why were the disciples “amazed” (awe-struck in a frightened sort of way) and those who followed “fearful”?

Why is it significant that both the Jews and Gentiles had a part in putting Jesus to death?  Think: was it the sins of Jews only that nailed Him to the cross as an atoning sacrifice?  Was it for the sins of Jews only that Jesus died?  Cf. Isa 42:6, 49:6,8.  In God’s plan of salvation to redeem mankind, what one word describes the role that Israel played?  See Jer 2:3 (KJV), Jam 1:18, Rev 14:1-4 (cf. Rev 7:4-9).

How does Luke say that Jesus understood what was going to happen in Jerusalem?  See Luk 18:31.  Where in the prophets was it written that the Son of Man would be betrayed and suffer under both the Jews and Gentiles?  See Psa 2:1-12, 22:6-8,11-18, 41:9, 55:12-14, 69:1-2,7-9,14-15,21,29, Isa 53:1-12, Dan 9:26.  Was this the first time Jesus had warned of what would happen?  At least how many times has Jesus now foretold His suffering, death and resurrection? See Mat 12:40, 16:21, 17:9,12,22-23.  In spite of these repeated warnings, how does Luke describe their comprehension of His words?  See Luk 18:34; cf. Mat 20:20-21.  Because they could not comprehend the sort of kingdom Jesus was establishing by following the way of the cross, how would they have interpreted Jesus’ warnings in light of the sort of kingdom they supposed he was establishing?  Cf. Luk 22:36-38,49-51.  Did such a relatively small motley crew of poor, untrained peasants have any real, worldly chance of overthrowing their Roman overlords and establishing such a kingdom?  Cf. again Mar 10:32.  How then would they have supposed that Jesus was going to establish such a kingdom?  Cf. Mat 16:6, Mat 17:1-3, Joh 6:69.  Is that much different from the way many Christians today believe that He will establish His kingdom?

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