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1Co 11:17-22 In 1Co 11:2 Paul praised the Corinthians for holding firmly to the traditions he had passed on to them: the church was observing the creation order of headship by having the women cover their heads when praying or prophesying, and it was also observing the Lord’s supper.  What question had arisen about the former tradition that prompted Paul to write the previous 16 verses?  What issue had arisen in regard to their observance of the Lord’s supper for which he could not praise them?  Is it significant that in addressing the issues that had arisen in regard to these two traditions Paul treats them as of equal importance to the church?  Are they of equal importance to the church today?  What do these verses teach us about the occasions on which the early church observed the Lord’s Supper?  See also Jude 1:12.

1Co 11:23        What is the great significance to his argument that Paul mentions it was on the night the Lord was betrayed that He instituted the Lord’s Supper?  See 1Co 11:27.

1Co 11:24-26 For what purpose do we partake of the Lord’s Supper?  Of what were the sacrifices of the old covenant a reminder?  See Hebrews 10:3.  What did they look forward to?  See Hebrews 10:1,11-12, 8:5-6.  Of what is the Lord’s Supper a reminder?  See 1Co 11:26.  What is the significance of the Lord’s Supper to the new covenant?  See Genesis 26:26-31, 31:44-54.  What does it represent and look forward to?  See Isaiah 25:6-9, Matthew 22:2, 25:10, 26:29, Luke 22:15-18, Revelation 19:7-9.

1Co 11:27-30 Who ate the bread and drank the cup of the Lord in an unworthy manner when the Lord first instituted the Lord’s Supper, and with what result?  See Luke 22:21-22, John 13:21,26-27, Acts 1:18-20.  What great danger does Paul warn about in regard to partaking of the covenant meal of the Lord’s Supper?  See 1Co 11:27, 29-30.  How does this danger relate to the violation of the terms of a covenant?  Note: in any covenant there are curses for violating the terms of the covenant (see Lev 26:14-39, Deut 27:15-26, 28:15-68, 2 Kings 17:1-18, 18:11-12, Is 24:5-6, Jer 11:1-15, Hos 10:4) just as there are blessings for obeying them (see Ex 15:26, 23:25-26, Lev 26:1-13, Deut 7:9-15, 28:1-14, Ps 103:17-18, and especially Hebrews 8:6).  Note also: “judge” in 1Co 11:29 means literally to discern, distinguish or discriminate.

1Co 11:30-32 What does 1Co 11:30 teach us about the reality of God’s judgment upon Christians for their sins?  Does it appear from 1Co 11:30 that such is a rare occurrence?  Is it significant that Paul says that such whom God has judged in this manner “sleep” as opposed to “have died”?  See 1Co 11:32, 1 Thess 4:13.  How is this judgment of God unto death different from that of 1 John 5:16?  What is the difference?  See Numbers 15:27-31.

1Co 11:33-34 What conclusion does Paul give to the Corinthians in regard to the issue that had arisen in regard to their observance of the Lord’s Supper?

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