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2Co 7:1          What promises does Paul refer to in this verse?  See 2Co 5:21, 6:16,18.  In light of these promises how does Paul say we should live?  See also 2Co 6:17.

2Co 7:2-3     These verses return to Paul’s thoughts from 2Co 6:11-13.  What does 2Co 7:2 teach us about how the false apostles were slandering Paul to the Corinthians?  How do they demonstrate Paul’s sincere love for the Corinthians?

2Co 7:4-7     In these verses Paul now returns from his long digression that began in 2Co 2:14 with a burst of praise and thanksgiving to God for the joy and comfort with which God comforted him in the midst of all his afflictions (with 2Co 7:5, confer 2Co 2:13).  What was the nature of his afflictions that he continued to encounter even when he came into Macedonia?  Note: “conflicts” in 2Co 7:5 means “quarrels” or “disputes”; see 2 Tim 2:23, Tit 3:9.  What was it that precipitated his burst of thanksgiving and the subsequent digression?  See 2Co 7:6-7.  Many people today complain of depression and seek solace from a psychologist or from the pills and potions of a psychiatrist or even some other drug dealer; who does Paul say comforts the depressed?  Paul was accused of being overly bold and confident in his zealous presentation of the truths of the gospel (see 2Co 3:12).  Do you think it is significant that in 2Co 7:4 he uses the same word to express his confidence in the Corinthians?

2Co 7:8-10   Before Paul met up with Titus, why might he have been regretting having sent his first letter to the Corinthians (2Co 7:8)?  What did Titus report about the Corinthians that made Paul rejoice and not regret having sent it?  See 2Co 7:9.  Is being sorry about our sins the same as being repentant for them?  What two different kinds of sorrow does Paul describe in 2Co 7:10?

2Co 7:11-12 How did the Corinthians demonstrate their godly sorrow for what had been happening in their church?  Note: “vindication” is the Greek word “apologia”.  In light of their godly sorrow unto repentance, what do you think Paul means that they demonstrated themselves to be innocent in the matter?  Note: the word translated here as innocent is most often translated as pure.  In light of their pure motives (even though such did not prevent them from falling into sin as a church) how does Paul interpret the way God used the letter he’d written to benefit the Corinthians?  See 2Co 7:12.

2Co 7:13-15 Was it only because of his own comfort that Paul rejoiced?  See also 2Co 7:7.  Why would he rejoice all the more because of how Titus was refreshed by the Corinthians?  Note: the word translated “refreshed” is the same Jesus used in Matt 11:28 when he called the weak and heavy laden to Himself and said He would give them rest.  Do you think that when Paul first heard about what was happening in Corinth and wrote 1 Corinthians that he expected his letter would be well-received?  Recall from 2Co 7:8 that he was even regretting having sent it.  Given these circumstances, how do you think Titus would have felt being Paul’s messenger to them?  (Recall from 1 Cor 16:12 that even Apollos was unwilling to go to the Corinthians at that time).  With what sort of coaxing had Paul encouraged Titus to go to the Corinthians?  See 2Co 7:14.  How was he pleasantly surprised by their reception of him?  See 2Co 7:15.

2Co 7:16        Recall that Paul has been defending his bold zeal for the gospel and willingness to endure affliction because of it against some in Corinth who regarded him as a nobody who lacked the credentials to be called an apostle.  In 2Co 5:6 and 8 he emphasized that he was always of good courage (which word is translated elsewhere as bold or confident), even in the midst of his afflictions.  Do you think it is significant that he uses the same word here to express his confidence in the Corinthians?  See again 2Co 7:4.

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