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Rom 8:1-4     In Rom 8:1 Paul concludes from his entire argument up to this point that there is now not any condemnation whatsoever (the Greek construction emphasizes none at all) for those who are in Christ Jesus; how does that contrast with man’s state under the law?  Why is there now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus?  See Rom 8:2; cf. Rom 7:24-25.  What does it mean to be “in Christ Jesus”?  See Rom 8:9.  What is the law of sin and death?  See Rom 6:23, cf. Gen 2:17, Ez 18:4.  What is the law of the Spirit of life?  See Rom 8:13.  What was it that the Law could not do (Rom 8:3)?  See Rom 3:20.  Why?  See Rom 8:3.  How does this truth summarize Paul’s words in Rom 7:14-25?  How did God remedy man’s hopeless bondage to sin?  For what purpose did He condemn sin in our flesh through the death of His own Son?  See Rom 8:4.  What is “the requirement of the law” that God would have fulfilled in us?  See Rom 13:8-10.  How is it fulfilled in us?  See Rom 8:4b, Gal 5:16.

Rom 8:5-11   How are those who walk according to the Spirit different from those who walk according to the flesh?  See Rom 8:5, Gal 5:17.  Why is the mind set on the flesh death (Rom 8:6)?  See Rom 8:7-8.  How is that different from the mind set on the Spirit?  Is the mind set on the Spirit able to subject itself to the law of God?  See again Rom 8:4, Gal 5:16.  What does Rom 8:9 teach us about how one may know that he belongs to Christ?  See also Rom 8:14.  How does one know if the Spirit of God is dwelling in him and that he is being led by the Spirit of God?  See Rom 8:5-6,11, Gal 5:22-23.  Note: Rom 8:10 is better translated: “And if Christ is in you, though the body is a corpse (a dead thing) because of sin, yet the spirit is a life (a living thing) because of righteousness.”  If Christ is in a person, in what way is that person’s fleshly body like a corpse, and why?  See Rom 8:3, 6:3,4,7.  In what way is that person’s spirit a new and living being, and why?  See 2 Cor 5:17.  Is it just the Christian’s spirit that is made alive in Christ Jesus?  See Rom 8:11.  Do Paul’s words in Rom 8:11 refer only to some future life, or also to the present?  In what way does the Holy Spirit give life to our mortal bodies now?

Rom 8:12-17 What practical conclusion does Paul draw from his contrast in the previous verses between those who are in the flesh and those who are in the Spirit?  See Rom 8:12.  Why?  See Rom 8:13.  Note: the NASB “you must die”, KJV and NIV “you shall/will die” is literally “you are about to die/on the point of dying”.  What does this verse teach us about the importance of sanctification in the life of a believer?  How does it emphasize and expand upon the truth of Rom 6:23?  Are we able to put to death the deeds of our flesh by ourselves?  Who helps us?  Who does Paul say in Rom 8:14 are the true sons of God?  How does one know he is being led by the Spirit of God?  See again Rom 8:5,13, Gal 5:22-25.  What does the Holy Spirit lead a Christian to do?  See Rom 8:13.  If one claims to be a Christian but is not being led into holiness, is that person being led by the Holy Spirit of Christ?  By whom is he being led?  See 1 John 4:1-3.  What assurance does the Holy Spirit give those who are led by Him, and how?  See Rom 8:16, 1 Jn 4:13.  What is the great significance of our adoption as sons of God?  See Rom 8:15,17, Acts 20:32, 26:18, 2 Cor 6:17-7:1, Gal 4:5-11, Eph 3:6, Tit 3:7, Heb 1:14, 1 Pet 1:3-5, 1 Jn 3:1, Rev 21:7.  What necessary qualification does Paul add in Rom 8:17 in order for us to receive an inheritance as His sons?  Why is it necessary?  See Rom 6:7, Mat 16:24, Luk 24:26, Jn 12:24-26, Acts 14:22, 2 Cor 4:8-11, Heb 2:10, 5:8, James 1:2-4, 1 Pet 4:12-13.  Most American Christians consider suffering something to be avoided at all costs; should that be our attitude?  Is such an attitude Biblical?

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