John 20:3-6 (John Pauses to Enter the Tomb; The Linen Wrappings)

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After arriving at the tomb very early on Sunday morning, Mary Magdalene and Mary the mother of James and Joseph discovered that the tomb was empty where they had seen Joseph inter Jesus’ body Thursday evening.  They found the stone rolled away from it when they arrived, not realizing it had been removed just moments…

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Luke 24:12, John 20:3-6 (The Faith Lesson; Peter Races to the Tomb)

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Very early in the morning on Resurrection Sunday, before Jesus appeared to anyone in His glorified, resurrection body, a faith-event occurred to test the faith of His followers.  A group of women who had followed Him from Galilee to the Passover in Jerusalem had arranged to meet at the tomb to complete the burial custom…

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Luke 24:8-11 (Discerning the Validity of Spiritual Experiences)

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On Resurrection Sunday, before Jesus Himself appeared to anyone, there were several appearances of angels to the women who came to the tomb to complete their burial custom for His dead body, but no such appearances to Jesus’ disciples.  This appears to have been to test and increase the faith of all His followers according…

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Luke 24:6-8 (Obtaining the Faith by Which We are Saved)

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Before Jesus’ resurrection appearances on that first day of the week three days after His death the Scripture indicates that there were three separate appearances of angels to the women from Galilee who had arranged to meet early that morning to complete their burial custom for Jesus’ body.  The first appearance was to Mary Magdalene…

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Luke 24:1-12, John 20:1-17 (Making Sense of the Different Resurrection Accounts)

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Our gospel accounts of the resurrection indicate that although Mary Magdalene and another Mary[1] were the first to discover the empty tomb, they were part of a larger group of women including Salome (Mar 14:1) and Joanna and at least one more (Luk 24:10) who had arranged to meet at the tomb on Sunday morning. …

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Luke 24:1-9, John 20:1-2 (After They Left the Tomb)

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On Resurrection Sunday, Mary Magdalene and another Mary, the mother of James and Joseph, were the first of Jesus’ followers to discover the empty tomb.  They had made arrangements with a number of other women to meet there to complete their burial custom for Jesus’ body, which was hastily interred Thursday evening as the required…

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