Luke 22:31-32 (Sifted Like Wheat)

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It is Wednesday evening of Passion Week and Jesus has just finished celebrating the Passover feast with His disciples a day earlier than the official celebration observed by the religious leaders.  This is no different from what happens on occasion even today when Muslims in different areas celebrate Ramadan on different days depending on what…

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Matthew 26:30 (Psalms, Hymns and Spiritual Songs)

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After numerous predictions that He would be delivered up to the Jewish leaders and then handed over to the Romans to be crucified, Jesus shocked His disciples during the last supper that it would be one of them who would betray Him.  Matthew also notes of particular significance that evening His institution of the Lord’s…

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Matthew 26:30 (They Sang a Hymn)

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Jesus is in the upper room celebrating His last Passover with His disciples.  During the supper Jesus assumed the role of a servant and washed the feet of the disciples (Joh 13:1-17), and the disciples argued again about which of them was the greatest (Luk 22:24-27; cf. Luk 9:46-48, Mat 20:20,24-27).  Jesus also taught them…

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Matthew 26:20-35 (Other Happenings During and After the Last Supper)

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It is Wednesday evening of Passion week and Jesus has just completed the Passover celebration with His disciples in a large upper room that accommodated guests during the annual Jewish feasts, and which may very well have belonged to the family of John Mark, author of our second gospel; see Mar 14:13-15, Luk 22:7-12, Act…

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Matthew 26:29 (Drinking Anew The Fruit of the Vine in God’s Kingdom)

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It is Wednesday evening of Passion Week and Jesus is celebrating the Passover with His disciples a day earlier than the religious leaders in Jerusalem.  For the sighting of the New Moon that would have occurred fourteen days earlier is not always clear and can be ambiguous and subjective, leading to the discrepancy.  Since Jesus…

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Matthew 26:27-28 (The Ransom of Christ’s Suffering and Christ’s Death)

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At the Last Supper Jesus spoke of the wine that was shared in remembrance of the Jewish nation’s deliverance from their bondage in Egypt, “This is my blood of the covenant that is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins”.  For as we have seen, forgiveness of sins is inseparably related to our…

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Matthew 26:27-28 (Summary: The Sin from Which Christ Saves Us)

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We have seen that the issue with man’s salvation isn’t one of satisfying God’s justice in order to receive forgiveness, for death wasn’t a penalty imposed by God for violating His command, but the natural consequence of the deceitfulness of sin that leads to death, and from which God in His love seeks to save…

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