Matthew 25:21,23 (The Master’s Reward; Joy and Fun)

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In the Parable of the Talents Jesus is contrasting those servants who use the spiritual treasures entrusted to them to further their Master’s interests in the world with those who bury them so they are of no use to anyone, including themselves.  After commending the servants who acted according to His will as being good…

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Matthew 25:21,23 (The Importance of Faithfulness)

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We have seen in the parable of the talents that when the Master, who represents Christ, returned to settle accounts with His servants, He commended two of them as good and faithful for using the treasures entrusted to them to further enrich His kingdom.  Good and faithful describe God’s own nature, and so the commendation…

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Matthew 25:18 (He Who Hides His Treasure to Preserve it Will Lose It)

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We have seen in the Parable of the Talents that as the servant entrusted with the least of his Master’s goods was culpable for doing nothing with what had been entrusted to him, much more will those be held accountable who are entrusted with the most and do nothing with it.  This was exactly the…

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Matthew 25:18 (On Burying the Eternal Riches Entrusted to Us)

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In the Parable of the Talents Jesus compares the kingdom of heaven to a man who entrusted to his slaves great quantities of his wealth to further his interests in the world, and then went away.  Just moments earlier in His discourse on the Mount of Olives He had summarized the signs requested by His…

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Matthew 25:16-18 (Merchants of the Kingdom; Those Who Bury Their Talents)

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In the parable of the talents Jesus likens His kingdom to a man who entrusted to His slaves huge amounts of his treasure to further his interests in the world before departing and leaving them to their task.  After his quick departure two of his servants immediately went to work gaining an amount equal to…

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