Matthew 28:8 (They Departed Quickly From the Tomb With Fear)

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On Thursday evening of passion week Mary Magdalene and another Mary who was the mother of James and Joseph saw the tomb where Joseph and Nicodemus had hastily interred Jesus’ body before the start of the required sabbath for the first day of Unleavened Bread.  Sometime on Friday, or the seventh-day Sabbath on Saturday, they…

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Matthew 28:7 (Where All the Disciples Would See Jesus; Behold, I Have Told You)

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A number of women who had traveled from Galilee with Jesus to the Passover in Jerusalem had arranged to meet at the tomb early on Sunday morning to complete the burial custom for His dead body.  It was hastily interred Thursday evening before the start of the required sabbath for the first day of Unleavened…

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Matthew 28:7 (Go Quickly and Tell His Disciples)

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Very early on Resurrection Sunday, “there yet being darkness” (Joh 20:1), Mary Magdalene and Mary the mother of James and Joseph / Joses came to the tomb where they had seen Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus hastily inter Jesus’ body Thursday evening just as the required sabbath for the first day of Unleavened Bread was…

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Matthew 28:6 (God’s Perfectly-Timed Revelation of Secret Things)

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After Jesus’ death and speedy burial on Thursday evening of Passion week, a number of the women who had followed Him from Galilee to Jerusalem for the Passover had arranged to meet at the tomb Sunday morning to complete the burial custom for His dead body.  They were prevented from doing so until then by…

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Matthew 28:5-6 (The Angel Proclaims the Resurrection)

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Early on Sunday morning Mary Magdalene and Mary the mother of James and Joseph arrived at Jesus’ tomb immediately after a severe earthquake happened that was accompanied by what modern science would call an earthquake light or ball lightning, but that Matthew says was an angel who actually caused the earthquake by rolling away the…

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Matthew 28:2-7 (Different Perceptions and Different Fears)

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On Resurrection Sunday a number of the women who had traveled from Galilee with Jesus to minister to His needs had arranged to go to the tomb where He was buried to further attend to His dead body that was hastily interred Thursday evening by Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus as the sabbath rest required…

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Matthew 28:1 (Reconciling the Women’s Accounts of the Empty Tomb)

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On account of a supernatural confluence of natural events that resulted in three consecutive sabbaths on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday for Jesus’ followers, all they could do on the day He was crucified and the days following while He lay in the grave was to rest and wait to see the great salvation God was…

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What Is the Gospel

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This is a compilation of teachings explaining what I believe the Scriptures teach is the gospel and the narrative that has been spun over time to distort its message and make it more palatable to those on the broad road to destruction.

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