Matthew 27:62 (Their Eyes Were Opened, and They Knew They Were Naked)

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Around 3 pm on Thursday of Passion Week Jesus died upon the cross.  The religious leaders of Israel had sought their will against Him and had now obtained it.  He came as light into the world but they would not receive it, for they loved darkness rather than the light and wanted to extinguish His…

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Matthew 27:60 (Entombed)

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Although God had ordained centuries before that the Messiah would be with a rich man in His death (Isa 53:9), there was much for the particular rich man whom He had set apart, Joseph of Arimathea, to overcome in order that it might come to pass.  Jesus had been assigned a grave with the wicked…

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The Atonement of Christ’s Blood

The Atonement of Christ's Blood Understanding How the Blood of Christ Saves and Reconciles us to God Now Available on Amazon! - What is the relationship between Jesus’ sacrifice and our redemption, forgiveness and receiving an inheritance per the terms of the covenant / will that was effected by His death? - From what, and…

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Matthew 27:57-61 (The Significance of the Tomb Where Jesus Was Interred)

After Jesus gave up His Spirit and expired on the cross, John, who alone among the apostles is mentioned as being at the crucifixion, notes that the Jewish leaders asked that the legs of those crucified be broken to hasten their deaths, which might otherwise take up to several days.  Because the next day was…

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