Matthew 25:31-46 (Summarizing the Olivet Discourse: The Sheep and the Goats)

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Recall that upon leaving the temple with Jesus and hearing His prediction of its utter destruction His disciples had asked Him when those things would take place, and what would be the sign of His coming and of the end of the age (Mat 24:3).  In conclusion to the signs He gave, Jesus warned that…

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Matthew 25:30 (Outer Darkness; Weeping and Gnashing of Teeth)

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Whereas the Master in the Parable of the Talents rewarded His faithful servants by putting them in charge of many things and receiving them into His joy as fellow participants in the establishment of His kingdom, He took away the talent of the unfaithful servant who did nothing with it and gave it to him…

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Matthew 25:26-27 (Caught in His Own Words; Is Interest Lawful?)

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In the parable of the talents two servants were commended and rewarded for furthering their Master’s interests by going to work and making productive use of the talents He had entrusted to them.  But a third servant who perceived his Master as hard and served him only for fear was condemned as wicked and lazy…

Continue ReadingMatthew 25:26-27 (Caught in His Own Words; Is Interest Lawful?)

Matthew 25:21,23 (The Master’s Reward; Joy and Fun)

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In the Parable of the Talents Jesus is contrasting those servants who use the spiritual treasures entrusted to them to further their Master’s interests in the world with those who bury them so they are of no use to anyone, including themselves.  After commending the servants who acted according to His will as being good…

Continue ReadingMatthew 25:21,23 (The Master’s Reward; Joy and Fun)