Matthew 24:48-51 (Jews Who Kept Watch; Those Who Grew Impatient)

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We have come to understand that the Lord will reward those whom He has appointed over others for keeping alert and faithfully giving them their spiritual food at the proper time, and their reward will be that He puts them in charge of all His spiritual riches that are riches indeed.  In what way was…

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Matthew 24:43-44 (The Two-Fold Nature of Jesus’ Coming)

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Although the complete fulfillment of Christ’s words following the signs He has given in the Olivet discourse are as certain as summer following the signs of spring, He has also warned that the exact day or hour is unknown, even to Himself.  Hence in summary to everything He has said in answer to His disciples’…

Continue ReadingMatthew 24:43-44 (The Two-Fold Nature of Jesus’ Coming)