Matthew 24:37-41 (The Ark of Salvation Pitched With Pitch)

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What was Noah himself doing “in the days of Noah” that preceded the flood?  See Gen 6:14.  What is the significance that the word used for cover in Gen 6:14 (kaphar) is the same as that used for make atonement in order to find forgiveness (cf. Lev 4:20,26,31,35, 5:6,10,13,16,18, 16:16, Psa 65:3, 79:9, etc…), that…

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Matthew 24:34-35 (This Generation Will Not Pass Away Until All These Things Take Place)

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Recall that in response to Jesus’ prediction that the temple would be utterly destroyed, His disciples had asked “when will these things happen?” (Mat 24:3).  What does Jesus say in Mat 24:34 in answer to this question?  What event whose significance cannot be overstated happened within a generation of 40 years that can be understood…

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Matthew 24:32-33 (The Parable of the Fig Tree; the Rapture Revealed)

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After predicting the destruction of Jerusalem and its magnificent temple Jesus has been responding to His disciples’ request for a sign for when such things would take place, which they associated with the end of that age and His coming to establish His kingdom of righteousness (Mat 24:1-3).  In answer, He has warned first and…

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