Matthew 24:24 (The False Wonders of Patent Medicine)

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On the Mount of Olives after forsaking the temple mount Jesus has warned His disciples repeatedly against false Christs and false prophets who will deceive with false signs and wonders which would appeal to men’s fallen nature for a worldly salvation.  For although such signs offer the promise of fulfilling the lusts of their flesh…

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Matthew 24:24 (False Signs and Wonders 3: A False Church)

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Recall that Jesus has warned His disciples about being misled by false Christs and false prophets who would arise and give “great signs and wonders, so as to mislead, if possible, even the elect” (Mat 24:24).  We have also seen that such signs are a manifestation of the power of the unholy trinity of the…

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Matthew 24:24 (False Signs and Wonders 2: A False Spirit and the Image of the Beast)

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Recall from our previous study that the false signs and wonders that Jesus warns His disciples about in Mat 24:24 are a manifestation of the power of the false god of this age even as the true signs and wonders are a manifestation of the true God’s power.  Satan, the false god of this age,…

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Matthew 24:24 (False Signs and Wonders 1: A False God and False Messiah)

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We have seen that a sign is a distinguishing mark, often miraculous in nature, given as evidence that something is true.  From Mat 24:24, is it necessarily the case that such signs guarantee that something is true?  Cf. 2Th 2:9, Rev 19:20.  As true signs and wonders are a manifestation of the power of the…

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Matthew 24:23-26 (Don’t Believe It: Not in the Wilderness or Inner Rooms)

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What is the significance that those who are false will point people to the wilderness or inner rooms for where to find Christ and the salvation from the worldly struggles for which they are seeking deliverance?  Notice that the KJV translates inner rooms here as secret chambers and think: What does an inner, private room…

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Matthew 24:23-26 (Don’t Believe It: Neither Here Nor There)

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In response to His disciples’ request for when the destruction of the temple would take place and a sign that would precede His coming in judgment and the end of the age, Jesus has foretold in the Olivet Discourse the rise of false Christs and false prophets who would mislead the masses by appealing to…

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