Matthew 24:29 (The Spiritual Significance of the Sun, Moon and Stars)

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For what purpose did God create the sun, moon and stars?  See Gen 1:14-15.  How do we know that these heavenly lights are only types of a much greater light that comes from the Lord?  See Gen 1:3 and observe that the very first thing God created as a reflection of His own nature (1Jo…

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Matthew 24:29 (The Sun, Moon and Stars Will Be Darkened)

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In the Olivet discourse Jesus has warned His disciples that they would experience tribulation for not warring after the world along with the false Christs who would arise promising the sort of worldly salvation that caused the Jews to reject Him (Mat 24:4-10).  He has also warned of a great tribulation that would sweep away…

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Matthew 24:29-31 (Immediately After the Tribulation of Those Days)

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Recall that Jesus is on the Mount of Olives having just forsaken the temple and those who had rejected Him as their Messiah (Cf. Mat 23 & 24:1).  Upon His departure He predicted the destruction of their temple as a natural consequence of their having rejected His Holy Spirit from filling it (Mat 23:38, 24:2). …

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Matthew 24:24 (The False Wonders of Patent Medicine)

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On the Mount of Olives after forsaking the temple mount Jesus has warned His disciples repeatedly against false Christs and false prophets who will deceive with false signs and wonders which would appeal to men’s fallen nature for a worldly salvation.  For although such signs offer the promise of fulfilling the lusts of their flesh…

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Matthew 24:24 (False Signs and Wonders 3: A False Church)

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Recall that Jesus has warned His disciples about being misled by false Christs and false prophets who would arise and give “great signs and wonders, so as to mislead, if possible, even the elect” (Mat 24:24).  We have also seen that such signs are a manifestation of the power of the unholy trinity of the…

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Matthew 24:24 (False Signs and Wonders 2: A False Spirit and the Image of the Beast)

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Recall from our previous study that the false signs and wonders that Jesus warns His disciples about in Mat 24:24 are a manifestation of the power of the false god of this age even as the true signs and wonders are a manifestation of the true God’s power.  Satan, the false god of this age,…

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