Matthew 24:10-11 (A Baited Trap and the Trappers)

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Mat 24:10-11.  In His Olivet Discourse after forsaking the temple and predicting its destruction, Jesus is answering His disciples’ request for a sign of when such things would take place, which they associated with His coming and the end of the age (Mat 24:3).  After warning of the deception of false Christs who would appeal…

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Baptism, the Lord’s Supper, and the Gospel of Our Salvation

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Baptism and the Gospel of Our Salvation When celebrating baptism and/or the Lord’s Supper it is appropriate to remind ourselves of their significance and meaning in relation to the gospel of our salvation.  For we understand that to be saved is not merely to just to say some words and then simply go about our…

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Against Calvinism’s 5 Points

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In this paper I would like to briefly articulate why each of Calvinism’s 5 points are at odds with Scripture, and why I consider it no less of a cultic doctrine than Adventism, Roman Catholicism, or even that of the Jehovah’s Witnesses, which all in similar manner end up denying the plain meaning of Scripture…

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Matthew 24:8 (Birth Pangs)

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In answer to His disciples’ request for a sign that would precede the fulfillment of Jesus’ words about the destruction of Jerusalem and the temple that was portended by the Jewish leaders’ rejection of Him as their Messiah, He warned first against being deceived by false political and religious leaders who would come in His…

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Matthew 24:7 (Earthquakes)

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What is the relationship in Scripture between earthquakes and the Lord coming down to earth from heaven, especially when He comes in judgment upon His enemies and / or for the sake of His people?  See Exo 19:16-20, Jdg 5:4-5, 1Sa 14:14-15, Psa 18:6-7, 60:1-3, Isa 5:25, 13:13, 64:1-4, Jer 10:10, Eze 38:18-20, Amos 8:7-8,…

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