Matthew 24:17 (Upon the Housetop: The Urgency of Fleeing)

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Jesus is on the Mount of Olives returning to Bethany after forsaking the temple to those who had rejected Him as their Messiah.  As a consequence of that temple’s spiritual desolation it would also in time be so physically desolated that not one stone would be left upon another (Mat 23:38-24:3).  In response to the…

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Matthew 24:16 (Flee to the Mountains: Escape From Babylon!)

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Recall that in response to their request Jesus has just provided His disciples a key sign by which they will know to escape the destruction that will overtake His enemies when He comes in judgment to establish His promised kingdom.  This sign was “the abomination of desolation standing where it should not be” (Mar 13:14)—that…

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Matthew 24:15 (The Abomination of Desolation, Part 2)

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What is meant by a desolation?  See Isa 1:7, 13:9, Jer 6:8, etc…  Of what in particular had Jesus just spoken that would be left desolate, and that prompted this whole discourse?  See Mat 23:38; cf. Lev 26:31-35, Isa 64:10-11.  Throughout Jeremiah and Ezekiel who both prophesied before and during the fall of Jerusalem and…

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Matthew 24:14 (This Gospel Shall Be Preached As a Testimony)

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Recall that in response to His prediction of the destruction of Jerusalem and the temple Jesus is answering His disciples’ request for a sign for when such things would take place, which they also associated with His coming and the end of the age (Mat 24:3).  In addition to the false Christs and false prophets…

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Matthew 24:13 (The One Who Endures to the End Will Be Saved)

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Recall that Jesus has warned His disciples that before His coming and the end of the age many false Christs would arise and mislead many looking for a more worldly leader to give them a more worldly kingdom.  Because “the whole world lies in the power of the evil one” (1Jo 5:19), those pledging loyalty…

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Matthew 24:10-12 (The Hoi Polloi)

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Recall that just as Ezekiel saw God’s glory depart from Solomon’s temple and rest upon the mountain east of the city (Eze 11:23), so has the hidden glory of Christ forsaken Herod’s temple and repaired to the Mount of Olives which offered a panoramic view of all Jerusalem and especially the temple mount.  Apart from…

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Matthew 24:10-11 (A Baited Trap and the Trappers)

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Mat 24:10-11.  In His Olivet Discourse after forsaking the temple and predicting its destruction, Jesus is answering His disciples’ request for a sign of when such things would take place, which they associated with His coming and the end of the age (Mat 24:3).  After warning of the deception of false Christs who would appeal…

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