Matthew 27:53 (Entering the Holy City Perfected in Faith)

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On Thursday afternoon of Passion week, around 3:00 pm as the Passover lambs were being slaughtered for the celebration that would begin at sunset, Jesus Himself expired upon the cross as the Lamb of God who would take away the sins of the world.  He and His disciples had celebrated the Passover the previous day,…

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Matthew 27:51 (Divorcing Unholy Temples; The Earthquake and the Rock that was Split)

As Jesus died upon the cross and the glory of God’s Spirit departed the earthly tent of His flesh the veil of the temple was torn in two signifying multiple spiritual truths.  Jesus’ whole life was intimately connected with the temple as the dwelling place or tabernacle of His Father (see Joh 1:14), so the…

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Matthew 27:51 (Veiled Glories)

From even His youth, Jesus’ life on earth was bound up with the temple in Jerusalem, which represented the presence of His Heavenly Father.  At His baptism the heavens were torn open (Mar 1:10, ESV) from which God’s Spirit descended upon Him to become the living temple of His Spirit during His ministry on earth. …

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