Matthew 20:25-28 (The Kingdom of God versus the Kingdoms of This World)

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Matthew 20:25-28   Consider the contrast Jesus has made in these verses between the disciples’ expectations of the kingdom they supposed Jesus was establishing and its true nature; on how many different occasions does Scripture record that Jesus communicated this same teaching to the disciples?  See also Mar 9:35, Mat 23:10-11, Luk 22:24-27.  What indication does…

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Matthew 20:23-28 (Jesus’ Response to James’ and John’s Request)

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Why did Jesus say James and John could not have their request?  What does this indicate about Jesus’ submission to the Father, and whose will must ultimately be done in God’s kingdom?  Cf. Joh 8:29, 1Co 15:24.  Who does Jesus say will sit at His right and left in His kingdom?  What does the fact…

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Matthew 19:30-20:16 (The First Shall Be Last, and the Last First, Part 4)

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What is the great danger of grumbling against God and His servants because of perceived injustices to us, especially in regard to envy?  See Exo 17:3, Num 11:1, 14:26-30, 1Co 10:10-11; cf. Luk 15:29, Rom 9:30-32, 10:19-21, 11:7-11.  Why is it always wrong to grumble against God supposing He is treating us unfairly?  See Rom…

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Matthew 19:30-20:16 (The First Shall Be Last, and the Last First, Part 3)

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For what had the first laborers agreed with the landowner to work?  What was a denarius, and what does it represent in the parable?  See NAS text note, and cf. Mat 19:27.  What made them suppose that they would receive more than they had agreed to?  See Mat 20:9.  How does their expectation reflect the…

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Matthew 19:30-20:16 (The First Shall Be Last, and the Last First, Part 2)

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Who does the landowner in the parable represent, and does the vineyard represent the whole world, or what?  Cf. Isa 5:1-7, Mat 21:33-41.  How does the vineyard and work to which God calls His laborers differ from the field and work to which the god of this age calls laborers?  Contrast Joh 15:1-6 and Luk…

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