Matthew 19:30-20:16 (The First Shall Be Last, and the Last First, Part 1)

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Consider again the context of Jesus’ ministry: facing opposition from the religious authorities for His denunciation of their religious hypocrisy (Mat 12:22-45), His popularity among even His supporters had also begun to decline due to the perceived difficulty of His teachings (see Joh 6:60,66).  As a result, He began to withdraw with His remaining disciples,…

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Matthew 19:29 (The Reward Of Those Who Have Followed Christ, Part 3)

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With what other reward does Jesus encourage His disciples who have left everything to follow Him?  See Mat 19:29.  Does this promise refer only, or even primarily, to a future age in heaven?  See Luke 18:29-30.  In what sense do those who have left home and family to follow Jesus receive “a hundred times as…

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Matthew 19:27-28 (The Reward Of Those Who Have Followed Christ, Part 2)

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What does Jesus mean by the regeneration (Mat 19:28)?  Notice that the Greek word used (palingenesia) means literally a re-birth and occurs only twice in the Bible; it was used by the Hellenistic Jews to refer to a state of renewal, such as after the flood or the return of the Jewish exiles from captivity. …

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Matthew 19:27-28 (The Reward Of Those Who Have Followed Christ, Part 1)

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Which disciple responded to Jesus’ words about the impossibility of men being saved apart from God?  See Mat 19:27.  How did Peter contrast himself and the other disciples with the rich young ruler?  See Mar 10:28, Luk 18:28; cf. Mat 4:18-22, Luk 5:11.  What question did he then ask?  Consider Peter’s question: they had left…

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Matthew 19:13-15 (Jesus Blesses the Little Children)

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Why were the children being brought to Jesus?  See Mat 19:13; cf. Mar 10:13.  Why would people want Jesus to touch their children?  See Mar 10:16.  Throughout history god-fearing parents have sought the blessing of God upon their children through His righteous servants; what does the decreasing incidence of this today indicate about 1) the…

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