Matthew 18:28-30 (On Choking Others Over Pence and Motes and Gnats)

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After the Lord had forgiven the debt of the slave who owed him the vast sum of money and released him, what did the slave proceed to do?  See Mat 18:28.  In what way is that similar to some who encounter the Lord and find “religion”, but as if to demonstrate their newfound “devotion” to…

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Matthew 18:15 (Seeking Sheep That Have Gone Astray, Part 1)

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Recall the context of these verses in Mat 18:1-14, Mar 9:33-50, and Luk 9:46-50.  While a number of Jesus’ followers had ceased to follow Him (Joh 6:66), His closest disciples had become even more convinced that He was the Messiah and that the establishment of His kingdom was imminent (cf. Peter’s confession and Jesus’ response…

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Matthew 18:11-14 (The Father’s Great Love For the Lost)

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Recall the context of these verses: The disciples had come to believe that Jesus was the promised Messiah and that the establishment of His kingdom was imminent.  As His closest followers they supposed they would occupy positions of importance in that kingdom, so that on their way back from Caesarea Philippi they had argued over…

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