Matthew 18:8-9 (Eternal Fire and the Fiery Hell, Part 2)

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How is Gehenna or “the fiery hell” different from Hades or Sheol, the place of the dead?  Note: Gehenna was understood to be in Hades (NT Greek) or Sheol (OT Hebrew), where the departed spirits of all men went when their physical bodies died (cf. Num 16:29-33, 1Sa 28:8-19, Isa 14:9-15, Mat 11:23, Act 2:27). …

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Matthew 18:8-9 (Eternal Fire and the Fiery Hell, Part 1)

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Consider again the context of the words in this passage that were spoken by Jesus to His closest disciples.  They assumed that because they had continued to follow Jesus when others had fallen away (see Joh 6:66-69) that they would occupy positions of importance in His kingdom.  Would we not think the same?  And yet…

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Mark 9:38-42 (“Little Ones” in Christ Who Don’t Follow Us)

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Read Mark 9:33-37 where Mark describes the conversation that took place in the context of the argument (Luk 9:46) that had arisen among the disciples as to which of them was the greatest (Mar 9:34).  What did John say in response to Jesus’ correcting their faulty understanding of what it means to be great in…

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Matthew 18:1-4 (The Greatest In God’s Kingdom)

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In light of the disciples’ perceptions of the imminence of Christ’s kingdom appearing after the manner of the kingdoms of the world, what would their thoughts have been about the privilege and prestige of its chief officers and leaders?  Who would they have supposed those leaders to be?  What had recently happened that would seem…

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Matthew 17:22-27 (The Temple Tax)

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Mat 17:24-27   What was the two-drachma tax for that those who collected it were asking if Jesus had paid it?  See Exo 30:11-16, 38:25-26, and cf. the NIV “temple tax”.  What indication is there that this tax was perhaps voluntary or that some may have been considered exempt from paying it?  Considering that this…

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Matthew 17:14-23 (Jesus Heals a Lunatic, Part 3, Return to Capernaum)

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In spite of Matthew’s description of the boy’s affliction as an illness, how does he say in Mat 17:18 that Jesus cured him?  How does Mark describe the healing in Mar 9:25?  What is the importance of Jesus’ command to the unclean spirit to not enter again into the boy?  See Mat 12:43-45.  How does…

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Matthew 17:14-21 (Jesus Heals a Lunatic, Part 2; A Perverted Generation)

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Recall from our previous discussion on Matthew 16:4 that a “generation” is characterized by certain assumptions and beliefs, and in Biblical usage it is not necessarily to be understood in a temporal, linear sense in the way we think of the generations of “depression-era”, “baby boomers”, “x-ers”, and “millenials”.  Remember too that true salvation is…

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Matthew 17:14-16 (Jesus Heals a Lunatic, Part 1)

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When Jesus, Peter, James and John returned to the other disciples from the Mount of Transfiguration who met them?  See Luk 9:37.  Why had such a large crowd been gathered together around the other disciples?  See Luk 9:38-40.  Besides the spectacle of the demon-possessed boy, how might the inability of the disciples’ to cast it…

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