Matthew 16:5-12 (The Leaven of the Pharisees and Sadducees)

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Mat 16:5-7       What warning did Jesus’ give the disciples in Mat 16:6?  What prompted Jesus to give the warning?  See Mat 16:1-4.  What previous run-ins with the religious leaders had Jesus also had?  See Mat 15:1-2, 12:1-2.  Did Jesus’ conversation with the disciples about the leaven of the Pharisees and Sadducees take place in…

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Matthew 16:1-3 (A Sign From Heaven)

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Mat 16:1           Where was Jesus when the Pharisees and Sadducees came up to test Him?  See Mat 15:39.  What is significant about the fact that the Pharisees and Sadducees came together in order to test Him?  Cf. Act 23:6-10 and think: were the Pharisees and Sadducees political allies or rivals?  Considering their bitter opposition…

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Matthew 15:21-28 (The Canaanite Woman’s Faith Part 2)

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Mat 15:24-25 To whom does Jesus say He was sent to minister and provide deliverance and salvation?  See Mat 15:24.  What was His reception from those to whom He was sent?  See Mat 15:1-2, 12:22-24, Joh 1:11, etc…  How was His reception by this cursed Canaanite woman much different?  After being put off twice, what…

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Matthew 15:21-28 (The Canaanite Woman’s Faith Part 1)

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Mat 15:21        For what reason did Jesus withdraw?  See the previous context and cf. Mat 4:12, 12:14-15, 14:12-13.  What does Jesus’ example teach us about what is the prudent thing to do when confronted with endangering opposition?  Cf. Mat 10:23.  What is significant about the region of Tyre and Sidon?  Think: were these Jewish cities? …

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