Matthew 15:10-20 (On Food and Defilement and Taking Offense)

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Consider the spiritual counterpart of “eating bread”, namely, studying the word of God, meditating upon it, and taking it to heart; what would the spiritual counterpart of washing the hands be in this context?  Cf. Jam 4:8.  Is it necessary for a person to have already first repented of all his sins and so washed…

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Matthew 15:1-20 (On Physical and Spiritual Defilement)

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Again, about what issue did the Pharisees and scribes challenge Jesus?  See Mat 15:2; cf. Mar 7:2-3.  Isn’t it a good idea to wash your hands before you eat?  What notions were behind their regard for cleanliness, and were their notions much different from ours today?  I.e., were their notions entirely ceremonial, or did they…

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Matthew 15:1-6 (The Pharisees Confront Jesus; Tradition verse Commandment)

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Where would Jesus have been at this time when the Pharisees and Scribes came to him?  See the previous context of Mat 14:34 and Mar 6:56; cf. Joh 6:59 which took place around this same time.  From where had they come to see Him?  See Mat 15:1.  What does this indicate about how the news…

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Matthew 14:13-21 (The Feeding of the 5000, part 1)

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Following Jesus’ visit to His hometown (Mat 13:53-58, Mar 6:1-6a) what does Mark say He and the twelve did?  See Mar 6:6b-7,12-13.  What was the result of this ministry tour?  See Mar 6:14a, Luk 9:1-7.  What does Mar 6:14-29, Luk 9:7-10a, and Mat 14:10-13 indicate about the approximate time in relation to these other events…

Continue ReadingMatthew 14:13-21 (The Feeding of the 5000, part 1)