Matthew 19:1-10 (Answers to the Really Hard Questions Regarding Remarriage Part 2)

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Second principle: Under the old covenant administered by the Jewish nation it was unlawful for the Jews to intermarry with the Gentiles (Deut 7:2-3); what did Ezra understand that the law required of those Jews who had married foreign wives?  See Ezr 10:2-3,10-14,18-19; cf. also Mar 6:17-18.  What might this indicate that the law would…

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Matthew 19:1-10 (Answers to the Really Hard Questions Regarding Remarriage Part 1)

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As we have seen in the previous studies, Jesus’ teaching is very clear that divorce and remarriage constitutes adultery.  Notice again that the Pharisees understood the strictness of His teaching (Mat 19:7), as did the disciples (Mat 19:10).  So what about those who were divorced and remarried prior to coming to Christ, or even those…

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Matthew 19:1-10 (Answers to the Really Hard Questions Regarding Divorce)

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We have come to understand in the previous lessons Jesus’ strict teaching on divorce and remarriage.  But what about the really nasty, ugly situations?  Does the binding nature of the marriage covenant mean that a true Christian is bound to resist at all costs if an unbelieving spouse seeks to separate?  See 1Co 7:12-16, Rom…

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Matthew 19:10 (The Disciples’ Response To Jesus’ Teaching on Divorce)

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What was the reaction of the disciples to Jesus’ prohibition of divorce and remarriage?  See Mat 19: 10.  What does their reaction indicate about their understanding of how strict they understood Jesus’ teaching on this topic to be?  On the basis of what wisdom from Scripture may they have concluded if such was the case…

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Matthew 19:1-9 (The Spiritual Significance of Marriage)

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Consider Jesus’ teaching on the sanctity of marriage and the seriousness of divorce: what is the spiritual significance of marriage that makes it so important in the eyes of God?  Recall the nature of God and the creative relationship of the Father through the Son (Gen 1:26-27, Joh 13:3, 16:28[1], Joh 1:1-3, 1Co 8:6, Col…

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Matthew 19:7-9 (Jesus’ Teaching on Divorce, Part 2)

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What question had the Pharisees just asked Jesus in Mat 19:3, and what was His reply?  See Mat 19:4-6.  How did the Pharisees understand Jesus’ answer, and how does that contrast with most Christians’ understanding today?  See Mat 19:7.  What was their response?  Had Moses in fact given a command regarding divorce as they were…

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Matthew 19:3-6 (Jesus’ Teaching on Divorce, Part 1)

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What question did the Pharisees pose to Jesus in Mat 19:3?  Were they sincere in really wanting to know His thoughts on the matter?  What word indicates their insincerity?  Where was Jesus at when the Pharisees came to him with their question?  See Mat 19:1.  What is the significance that this was the territory of…

Continue ReadingMatthew 19:3-6 (Jesus’ Teaching on Divorce, Part 1)