Matthew 13:1-3, 10-17 (Coming to an Understanding of the Knowledge of the Truth)

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To what does Jesus refer in Mat 13:12? I.e., “whoever has, to him shall more be given”: but has what, and what is it that more shall be given to him?  See Mat 13:11 and think: besides to see and to hear, what word occurs three times in the next three verses?  By what means…

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Matthew 12:43-50 (Complete Deliverance; The Common Blood of God’s Family)

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Mat 12:43-45    What is the connection between these verses and the preceding context?  See Mat 12:22-24,27.  In Jesus’ parable, does the man from whom the demon went out refer to the man from whom He had just cast the demon and provided such a great deliverance that the crowds marveled and the Pharisees charged…

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Matthew 12:41-42 (The Men of Nineveh and The Queen of the South)

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What do these verses teach about the reality of a future judgment?  Cf. Acts 17:31.  As a rule, do people today believe in and live their lives as if there will be a future judgment?  What effect does an understanding of future judgment have upon people’s lives?  Think: did Hitler, Stalin, Mao, etc… believe in…

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Matthew 12:38-40 (An Evil and Adulterous Generation; Three Days and Three Nights)

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Considering that Gideon had asked for three signs to be sure it was God who was speaking to him and to discern His will (Jdg 6:17,36-40), and was given even yet another sign (Jdg 7:10-11), why was the request by the scribes and Pharisees for a sign rebuffed by Jesus?  See Mat 12:22-24.  Were they…

Continue ReadingMatthew 12:38-40 (An Evil and Adulterous Generation; Three Days and Three Nights)