Matthew 10:32-42 (Confessing Jesus; What Precedes Peace; Future Rewards)

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Mat 10:32-33: What does it mean to confess Jesus before men?  Cf. the two other uses in Matthew of the Greek word used here for confess, Matt 7:23 (NAS “declare”), Mat 14:7 (“promise”).  Is there a difference between believing in Jesus and confessing Him?  See Joh 12:42 and observe that to “confess in/with/by” (literal) another…

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Matthew 10:26-31 (The Cost of True Discipleship: Do Not Fear)

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Mat 10:26-31 What admonition does Jesus give His disciples three times in these verses?  See Mat 10:26, 28, 31.  For what reason does Jesus say in Mat 10:26 they should not fear the opposition they will encounter?  Need they fear the hidden plots or secret snares of men?  Cf. Act 9:23-24, 29-30, 14:5-6, 20:3, 23:12-16,…

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Matthew 10:17-25 (The Cost of True Discipleship: Facing Opposition)

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Mat 10:17-20 What encouragement does Jesus give his disciples in Mat 10:19-20 to face the inevitable oppositions they will encounter?  What examples do we have in Scripture that this is true?  See Joh 9:24-34, Act 4:13-14, and Paul’s defenses before the Jews, Felix, Festus and Agrippa (Act 22-26) in spite of his lack of eloquence…

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Matthew 10:16-25 (Serpents and Doves; The Cost of True Discipleship: Sitz Im Leben)

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Mat 10:16        How does Jesus in Mat 10:16 describe the apostles in relation to the world into which He is sending them?  What is the nature of a sheep?  See Isa 53:7, Jer 11:19, Mat 26:63, 27:12-14.  What is the nature of a wolf?  See Eze 22:27, Zep 3:3, Act 20:29.  Considering how their nature…

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Matthew 10:5-15 (2nd Discourse: Jesus Sends Out The Twelve)

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Mat 10:5-6     Many Jews at the time Matthew was writing were rejecting the gospel because of the argument by its opponents that it was a Gentile belief, as was plain from the fact that so many Gentiles were gladly receiving it, and anything so welcome to the despised Gentiles couldn’t be for the Jews; how…

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Matthew 10:1 (Unclean Spirits)

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What key phrase in Mat 10:1 marks an important point of expansion in Jesus’ salvation ministry to “the lost sheep of the house of Israel” (Mat 10:6)?  See Mat 7:29, 8:9, 9:6-8.  What authority did Jesus give his twelve apostles, and how was this an answer to the prayer commanded in Mat 9:38?  See Mat…

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Matthew 9:27-31 (The Son of David Heals the Blind)

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Mat 9:27-31  Consider the numerous accounts in the gospels of Jesus healing the blind: see Mat 12:22, 15:30-31, 20:30-34, 21:14, Mar 8:22-26, 10:46-52, Joh 9:1-6; what is the spiritual significance that the blind were so often objects of Jesus’ mercy (Mat 9:27) and that He seems to have had a special compassion for them (Mat…

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Matthew 9:18-26 (Hope for the Hopeless)

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Mat 9:18-26   What was the name of the synagogue official who came to Jesus, and what additional information does Mark supply about the man’s daughter?  See Mar 5:22-23.  What additional information does Luke give about the girl?  See Luk 8:42.  Is there a contradiction between Matthew’s account that has the man saying his daughter had…

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