Matthew 7:1-12 (Judging Others, Casting Pearls, Asking to Receive)

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Mat 7:1-5     What does Jesus mean by judging in Mat 7:1-2?  Hint: We get our word criticize from the Greek word used here; “the habit of censoriousness; sharp, unjust criticism” (Robertson’s Word Pictures); cf. Jam 4:11-12.  What is the danger of criticizing others for what we understand, rightly or wrongly, to be their shortcomings or…

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Matthew 6:19-24 (Treasures in Heaven; The Evil Eye of the Grudging Giver)

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Mat 6:19-21  What does it mean to “lay up” treasures upon earth?  See Rom 2:5, 1Co 16:2, 2Co 12:14, Luk 12:21 and context, and note: the Greek word used is the verbal form of the word treasure, thus literally “treasure not to you treasures…”.  What sort of treasures do people treasure up for themselves today? …

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Matthew 6:5-18 (Beware of Practicing Your Righteousness Before Men; Prayer and Fasting)

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Mat 6:5-8     Is all prayer good?  What prayer does Jesus condemn in Mat 6:5?  What examples do we find in Scripture of someone who prayed this way?  See Mar 12:38-40, Luk 18:11-12.  In contrast, how are God’s true servants to pray?  See Mat 6:6.  What examples do we have in Scripture of those who prayed…

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Matthew 6:1-4 (Beware of Practicing Your Righteousness Before Men; Almsgiving)

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Mat 6:1          What three religious acts does Jesus single out in Mat 6:1-18 as deeds of righteousness?  See Mat 6:2,5,16.  Is His criticism against these acts themselves?  How do these three acts exemplify the “pure and undefiled religion” that James mentions in Jam 1:27?  I.e., which of the three looks after orphans and widows in…

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Matthew 5:27-32 (Adultery)

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Mat 5:27-28  See Mat 5:20: what is the second example that Jesus gives in which our righteousness must surpass that of the scribes and Pharisees if we are to enter the kingdom of heaven?  See Mat 5:17; with what fullness did Jesus fill the seventh commandment of Moses?  How does this and the fullness with…

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