Matthew 5:22 (The Fiery Hell: Two Questions)

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“Whoever shall say, 'You fool,' shall be guilty enough to go into the fiery hell.” 1)     What is the fiery hell, and how is it different from Hades or Sheol? “Fiery hell” is literally the “Gehenna of fire”; Gehenna is a Greek transliteration of the Hebrew “Valley of Hinnom”  (Gey-Hinnom,  valley of lamentation) that in…

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Matthew 5:13-20 (Salt and Light; The Fulfillment of the Law)

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Mat 5:13:        With what figure does Christ describe His disciples in this verse?  What is salt used for, and how is that like Christians are to be in the world?  See Lev 2:13, Col 4:6.  Give examples of what it means for a Christian to become “tasteless” in society.  Is it significant that the word…

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Matthew 4:23-5:2 (Jesus’ Teaching and Healing Ministry)

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Mat 4:23-25 Describe the four aspects of Jesus’ ministry that Matthew records in Mat 4:23.  What was the central precept of the gospel of the kingdom he was proclaiming and for which John had prepared the people?  See again Mat 4:17, 3:2.  Why is it significant that the “healing” aspect of Jesus’ ministry is mentioned…

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Matthew 3:1-10 (John the Baptist)

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Mat 3:1-6     What two words in Mat 3:1 describe the two-fold ministry of John?  See also Mat 3:6.  Where did he preach and baptize?  What is the significance that a message like that of John’s comes from “the wilderness”?  Do such messages arise from those who are surrounded by the world and the things of…

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