Hebrews 12:18-29 (Two Mountains)

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Heb 12:18-24 What mountain is referred to in Heb 12:18, and what historical event is the author describing in Heb 12:18-21?  See Ex 19:11-22, 20:18-20, Dt 4:10-13, 5:2-5, 22-27.  With what 7 expressions does he describe the giving of the old covenant that would “fade away” (2 Cor 3:11) because it was “only a shadow of…

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Hebrews 12:4-11 (Those Whom The Lord Loves He Disciplines)

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Heb 12:4-11   What does Heb 12:4 tell us about the level of persecution that had reached those to whom the author is addressing?  Is it likely in light of such a statement that the author is writing to believers in Rome, where the first state-sponsored persecution against Christians broke out and was most concentrated, or…

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Hebrews 11:32-12:3 (Others Who Had Faith To the Preserving of the Soul)

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Heb 11:32-40 With those already mentioned, has the author exhausted the list of those who had faith to the preserving of the soul?  Is such faith so rare that in fact it is possessed only by the legendary, so that the “average” believer should not expect to attain to such faith?  See Heb 12:1, 10:39. …

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Hebrews 11:20-31 (The Patriarchs Who Had Faith To the Preserving of the Soul)

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Heb 11:20-22 What key words in Heb 11:20 help us understand the great faith of Isaac which the author wishes to exemplify as necessary for the preserving of the soul?  See also Gen 27:27-29, 39-40, 28:2-4, and consider Isaac’s acceptance of the sovereignty of God to accomplish His purposes after mistakenly blessing Jacob ahead of…

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Hebrews 11:8-19 (Abraham Who Had Faith To the Preserving of the Soul)

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Heb 11:8-12   In what way does the faith exhibited by Abraham epitomize the faith that is required for salvation in Christ?  See esp. Heb 11:8-9.  Have we likewise been called to forsake our home in this world and follow Christ into a land He will show us?  See Gen 12:1, Mat 10:37-39, Lk 18:28-30.  What…

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Hebrews 11:1-7 (Antediluvians Who Had Faith To the Preserving of the Soul)

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Heb 11:1-3     Notice in this chapter the record of the “men of old” who had faith to the preserving of their souls; what definition of such faith does the author give in Heb 11:1?  Note: “assurance” is often translated as confidence, and is used in business documents as the basis or guarantee of business transactions;…

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Hebrews 10:26-39 (Fourth Warning)

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Heb 10:26-31 Besides the positive aspect of the better things that are available in Christ, with what negative aspect does the author warn his readers about the danger of drifting away from so great a salvation?  What does it mean to “go on sinning willfully”?  See also 1 Jn 3:4-10.  Is this different from occasionally stumbling…

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Hebrews 9 (A Better Sanctuary; A Better Sacrifice)

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Heb 9:1-10     Describe the “regulations of divine worship” under the first covenant.  What was the outer (lit. “first”) sanctuary called, and what articles relating to the divine worship were found in it?  See Heb 9:2.  What was the spiritual significance of each in pointing the worshipers to Christ?  Cf. Jn 8:12; 2 Sam 9:6-11, Prov 9:1-6,…

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