Luke 23:34 (Father Forgive…Who?  Genuine or Spurious?)

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Father Forgive Them.  Who's "Them"? Before noon on Thursday morning of Passion Week Jesus had been sentenced to death, first by the Sanhedrin of the Jews on charges trumped up by Annas and Caiaphas who had interrogated Him during the night to determine what they could use to have Him put to death, and then…

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Matthew 27:35 (Christ’s Tunic)

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Just as He had foretold, Jesus was betrayed into the hands of the chief priests and scribes, condemned to death, and delivered to the Gentiles for crucifixion; Mat 20:18-19, 26:2.  Although He had repeatedly warned His disciples what was about to happen (see also Mat 16:21, 17:22-23, Luk 18:31-34), it was still completely contrary to…

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Matthew 27:31-32 (Those Who Followed Jesus to the Cross)

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Before Jesus was crucified, the Scriptures record that He was mocked by the whole cohort of Roman soldiers in the Praetorium in regard to the charge against Him of claiming to be the Messiah, the king of the Jews.  And yet, by subjecting Himself to their scorn and the suffering of their taunts He demonstrated…

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Matthew 27:24-26 (The Judgment of Group-think; Barabbas’ Salvation)

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In spite of his desire and numerous attempts to release Jesus, the insistent cries of the crowd egged on by their leaders to crucify Him eventually prevailed as Pilate “saw that he was accomplishing nothing, but rather that a riot was starting” (Mat 27:24).  For as much as his understanding that Jesus was innocent and…

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Matthew 27:23-26, John 19:12-16 (Pilate Yields to the Jews Concerning Jesus)

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The apostle John, writing much later than the other gospel writers—after the destruction of the Jewish nation and its temple—emphasized even more the efforts Pilate made to release Jesus, and hence the greater culpability of the Jews for insisting he put Jesus to death.  Back and forth Pilate went, fearful of the ramifications of failing…

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