Chronological Review and Background of Colossians

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Paul’s conversion (Acts 9:1-7): c. 33 a.d. (possibly as early as 30 a.d.) Paul in Damascus (Acts 9:8-25), Arabia (Gal 1:17), Jerusalem (Gal 1:18-19, Acts 9:26-29): c. 33-36 a.d. (or possibly 30-33 a.d.), and Tarsus (Acts 9:30, Gal 1:21): c. 36-43 a.d. (or possibly 33-43 a.d.) Barnabas to Antioch (Acts 11:19-24): c. 41 a.d. Paul…

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Ephesians 6:1-9 (Children, Slaves and Masters)

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Eph 6:1-4     Note: in Eph 6:1, “right” is the word that is usually translated righteous; what does this verse teach us about the way children practice righteousness?  Note on the practice of righteousness: Just as Jesus could not have been righteous without being subject to the Father, neither can husbands be righteous if they are…

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Ephesians 5:15-20 (Take Heed for Your Christian Walk)

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Eph 5:15-17 What have Paul’s words in this epistle taught us about the importance of our Christian walk as opposed to our Christian beliefs?  See Eph 2:10, 4:1,17, 5:2,8,15.  What does he call those who are not careful about their Christian walk?  See Eph 5:15,17.  In what parable did Jesus speak of the same thing? …

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Ephesians 4:1-16 (Growing Up Into the Unity of the Faith)

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Eph 4:1-6     What is the practical response on the part of the Gentiles who through the gospel have been made fellow partakers with the Jews of the promise in Christ Jesus?  See Eph 4:1, 17, 2:10, Col 1:10, 2:6, 1 Thess 2:11-12, 4:1.  What is the calling with which they have been called?  See Rom 1:7,…

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Ephesians 2:11-22 (Fellow Citizens With The Saints)

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Eph 2:11-13 What does Eph 2:11 reveal about the animosity of the Jews for the Gentiles?  Do you think it is significant that the Greek word translated as “performed…by human hands” (NASB) or “made by hands” (KJV) is translated almost exclusively in the LXX (the Septuagint, or Greek version of the Old Testament) as referring…

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