Romans 4 (Justification by Faith: The Example of Abraham)

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Rom 4:1-8    What was the importance of Abraham to the Jewish nation?  See Rom 4:1, Gen 12:1-3, Mat 3:9, John 8:33.  How is that important to Paul’s argument that the righteousness of God is from faith to faith and to the Jew first (Rom 1:16-17)?  What does it mean “to reckon”?  Note: this is the…

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Romans 3:21-31 (Righteousness Through Faith, Apart from the Law)

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Rom 3:21-24 How is “the righteousness of God” that has been revealed in the gospel different from what Paul’s opponents supposed it to be?  See also Rom 1:17.  What is the significance to his Jewish opponents that this righteousness was “witnessed by the Law and the Prophets?  Where is it witnessed in the Law and…

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Romans 1:1-17 (Introduction)

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Rom 1:1-2       What does it mean to be a bond-servant of Christ Jesus?  See 1 Cor 6:19-20.  Why was it necessary for Paul to mention his apostolic authority in this letter to the Romans, whereas it was unnecessary to do so in his letters to the Thessalonians and Philippians?  See Rom 1:10.  For what specifically had…

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Romans: Background

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Toward the end of his 3 year ministry in Ephesus on his third missionary journey Paul wrote 1 Corinthians before traveling north to Troas and then on to Macedonia, visiting and strengthening the churches he had established there on his second missionary journey.  From Macedonia he wrote 2 Corinthians to prepare the believers there in Achaia for…

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2 Corinthians 13

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2Co 13:1-4     How many times had Paul actually been to Corinth at the time of this writing?  See A “Painful Visit” and “Sincere Letter”? .  What is Paul’s point in quoting Deuteronomy 19:15 about every matter being established on the testimony of two or three witnesses, and then mentioning his two or three warnings to…

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2 Corinthians 12

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2Co 12:1-6     False religious teachers, including those opposing Paul in Corinth, often boast of their sublime spiritual experiences as evidence of God’s favor for them.  How did Paul feel about such boasting, and why did he typically refrain from it?  See 2Co 12:1,6.  Who was the man that Paul knew who experienced the marvelous revelations…

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2 Corinthians 11:16-33

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2Co 11:16-21 What was the difference between Paul’s boasting and that of his opponents?  See 2Co 11:17.  Did his opponents view their boasting against Paul as foolishness?  How does Paul sarcastically justify his foolish boasting to the Corinthians?  See 2Co 11:19.  In what 5 ways were the false apostles misleading the Corinthians?  See 2Co 11:20. …

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