Luke 23:39-41 (Salvation From Sin Versus Salvation From the Consequences of Sin)

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As Jesus was dying upon the cross, already racked with pain from the tortures of crucifixion, He also suffered the agonizing pains of scorn and humiliation, not only from His religious enemies and the soldiers, but even from the criminals among whom He was numbered.  In spite of the innumerable good things He had done…

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Matthew 27:44, Luke 23:39-43 (Even the Criminals Reproached Jesus)

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As Jesus was led away to execution a crowd followed Him to the cross, not as disciples embracing their own cross of dying to their own self-will, but as enemies gloating to see His light extinguished, not knowing that from His broken vessel an unimaginably greater light would shine forth to expose their darkness.  Note…

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Matthew 27:43, Luke 23:36-37 (The Underlying Misbelief of the Crowd’s Taunts)

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After finally obtaining from Pilate their desire against Jesus, the religious leaders and those who had joined with them to prosecute Him were not yet satisfied with the punishments already inflicted and His sentence of death, but followed Him to Golgotha to see the sentence fulfilled and get in the last licks of their justice.…

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Matthew 27:39-42 (Jesus’ Final Abuse by His Enemies)

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On Thursday morning of Passion week, not long before noon, Jesus was led to Golgotha, the Skull, and crucified between two criminals, accounted as one of them by the religious leaders, who, from the sin in their hearts, were deceived to call evil good, and good evil.  The inscription attached to the cross above His…

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Luke 23:34 (Father Forgive…Who?  Genuine or Spurious?)

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Father Forgive Them.  Who's "Them"? Before noon on Thursday morning of Passion Week Jesus had been sentenced to death, first by the Sanhedrin of the Jews on charges trumped up by Annas and Caiaphas who had interrogated Him during the night to determine what they could use to have Him put to death, and then…

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Matthew 27:35 (Christ’s Tunic)

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Just as He had foretold, Jesus was betrayed into the hands of the chief priests and scribes, condemned to death, and delivered to the Gentiles for crucifixion; Mat 20:18-19, 26:2.  Although He had repeatedly warned His disciples what was about to happen (see also Mat 16:21, 17:22-23, Luk 18:31-34), it was still completely contrary to…

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