1 Corinthians 11:2-16 (Headcovering – part 1)

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In 1Co 11:2, what tradition that he delivered to the Corinthians does Paul have in mind that he praises them for holding firmly?  See 1Co 11:3-16.  Were there competing cultural practices in that day in regard to head coverings during worship?  Note: Roman men and women both covered their heads during worship; neither Greek men…

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1 Corinthians 11:1-16

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1Co 11:1          How is this verse a summary of 1Co 8-10?  See 1Co 8:13, 9:12,19-22, 10:32-33. 1Co 11:2-7       When praising the Corinthians for holding firmly to the traditions he had delivered to them, what traditions in particular does Paul have in mind?  See 1Co 11:3-16, 17-34.  Was the former tradition a mere custom without meaning…

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1 Corinthians 10

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1Co 10:1-4     The word “For” in 1Co 10:1 shows a connection between what follows and what precedes; what is the connection?  See 1Co 9:27-10:13.  What did the cloud that covered the Israelites represent?  See Exodus 13:21-22, Num 9:15-22.  What did their passage through the sea represent?  See 1Co 10:2, cf. 1 Pet 3:20-21.  What did the…

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1 Corinthians 9

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1Co 9:1-3     What does Paul mean “Am I not free”?  Free from what?  See 1Co 9:4 and the context of chapter 8.  What was the significance of his being an apostle to the point he is arguing?  See 1Co 9:4-6.  Who was examining Paul, and what were they saying about him?  See 1Co 4:3-4, 2 Cor…

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1 Corinthians 8

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1Co 8:1-3     Recall that Paul has begun answering questions posed to him by the Corinthians; what question does he begin answering here?  Note: In Roman and Greek culture, animals were not just slaughtered for food, but nearly always sacrificed to the gods; a portion would go to the officiating priest, and the remainder would then…

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1 Corinthians 7

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Notice the change in format: Paul in the previous 6 chapters has been addressing the divisions, immoralities and lawsuits in the Corinthian church that he had been informed about probably by “Chloe’s people” (1Co 1:11).  Now he begins to address “the things about which you wrote” (1Co 7:1), referring to some letter they had written…

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1 Corinthians 6

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1Co 6:1-3     Is there a connection between the topic Paul is now beginning to discuss and that which he has been discussing in chapter 5?  What does Paul mean that the saints will judge the world, and even angels?  See Ps 149:5-9, Mat 19:28, Jude 1:6,14-15, Rev 2:26-27, 3:21, 20:4.  Explain the substance of Paul’s…

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1 Corinthians 5

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1Co 5:1          What sin was found in the midst of the Corinthian believers?  What made it particularly grievous?  Note: the father’s wife was likely not the guilty one’s mother, and it is entirely possible the father had died, so that these Corinthians, like so many today, were justifying their sin as being “different” from that…

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A “Painful Visit” and “Sincere Letter”?

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Because of some of Paul’s wording in 2 Corinthians, and perhaps an allusion in 1 Corinthians, some have conjectured that he must have made a hasty and unpleasant visit to Corinth sometime before arriving in Macedonia, probably while still in Ephesus after writing 1 Corinthians, and that following this visit he perhaps even wrote a “severe letter” that has not been preserved for us...

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