A Chronology of Paul’s Corinthian Relationship and Correspondence

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Paul founded the Corinthian church on his second missionary journey as described in Acts 18, after arriving there from Athens, where the soils for spiritual growth were evidently quite sterile because of its many philosophies and the propensity of people there to “spend their time in nothing other than telling or hearing something new” (Acts…

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1 Corinthians 4

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1Co 4:1-5     Who is the “us” in 1Co 4:1?  How did Paul want the Corinthians to regard them?  How was this different from how they were regarding them?  Note: “servant” is literally an “under-rower”; see Acts 13:5 where it is applied to John Mark as Paul and Barnabas’ “helper”.  “Steward” was a slave under his…

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1 Corinthians 3

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1Co 3: 1-4     In chapter 2 Paul was talking about God’s wisdom which can only be understood by the spiritual man.  Does he regard the Corinthians as such?  Why not?  What does Paul mean by milk as opposed to solid food?  See Heb 5:11-14.  Why were the Corinthians not yet ready for solid food?  What…

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1 Corinthians 2

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1Cor 2:1-5:     How does Paul describe his work among the Corinthians in establishing them in the faith?  Why does he say he conducted himself in such a manner?  Is this different from the way most ministers present themselves today?  What do his words here have to do with the divisions in chapter 1? 1Cor 2:6-8:    …

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1 Corinthians 1

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Background:         Paul founded the Corinthian church on his second missionary journey as described in Acts 18.  He had come to Corinth from Athens where the soils for spiritual growth were evidently quite sterile because of its many philosophies and the propensity of people there to “spend their time in nothing other than telling or hearing…

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2 Thessalonians 3

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2Th 3:1          For what did Paul request prayer?  What picture does the phrase “run and be glorified” conjure up?  See 1 Cor 9:24.  How can the word of God “run and be glorified”?  See 1 Thess 1:5,8, 2:1,13. 2Th 3:2          What does this verse teach us about Paul’s present circumstances in Corinth?  See Acts 18:6,9,12-17.  Given the…

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2 Thessalonians 2

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2Th 2:1         What three terms does Paul use as referring to the same event in this verse and the next?  Note: recall that the “coming” of the Lord is from the Greek “parousia” which refers to His coming to be present; see Mat 24:3, 1 Thess 3:13, 4:15, 5:23.  What event does our “gathering together” to…

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2 Thessalonians 1

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Background:   Shortly after Paul’s first letter to the Thessalonians he heard of some additional problems that had arisen among them that he needed to address.  They were still experiencing persecution for their faith, and so he writes in this letter to encourage them to persevere in their afflictions, reminding them that the day of the…

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1 Thessalonians 5

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1Th 5:1          “Times” refers to an extended period of time and “epochs” to a fixed time or date.  See Luke 20:9-10.  Why did the Thessalonians need no one to teach them about times and dates?  See verse 2, and Mat 24:36, Acts 1:6-7. 1Th 5:2          In what way will the day of the Lord come…

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1 Thessalonians 4

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Having reminded the Thessalonians of his ministry among them and expressed his joy that they were remaining steadfast in their new Christian faith (chapters 1-3), Paul now directs his attention to encouraging them on to a still greater depth of Christian maturity while addressing some minor issues and concerns that Timothy had reported to the…

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