The Knowledge of The Truth

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Every day the Lord shows us more and more the importance of studying the word of God and understanding its truth.  We hope the reader too will understand the necessity of studying the word of God day and night in order to come out of the darkness that surrounds us and not perish in the…

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The Apostasy

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It seems that so much of our world, including what people think of as the church, is in darkness and in dire need of the knowledge of the truth.  And yet there are so very few today who are willing to listen, let alone who earnestly desire to know the truth.  Rather, they are only…

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Candy For Your Soul

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The one who feeds only his flesh hungers forever, but he who feeds his soul the truth will never want.  Just as there are things that are sweet to the taste buds on our tongues and which our bodies crave as pleasant and enjoyable, so are there those spiritual truths of Scripture which are sweet…

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Escape From Babylon

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Come out of her, my people, so that you will not share in her sins, so that you will not receive any of her plagues; for her sins are piled up to heaven, and God has remembered her crimes. Revelation 18:4-5 (Unless noted otherwise, all Scripture references in this paper are from the New International…

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