Study on Timothy

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Written by Clark Brown, January 2006 – March 2007. All Scripture based upon the New American Standard Version of the Bible, unless noted otherwise. Chronological Review of Paul’s Ministry Paul’s conversion (Acts 9:1-7): c. 33 a.d. (possibly as early as 30 a.d.) Paul in Damascus (Acts 9:8-25), Arabia (Gal 1:17), Jerusalem (Gal 1:18-19, Acts 9:26-29):…

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1. The Marriage Covenant.

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What is Marriage: Marriage today is under attack both from within and without.  The traditional roles of men and women in marriage have been disparaged and divorce is rampant, so that large percentages of people today forego marriage altogether, and now are even redefining marriage to mean something entirely different.  So in this first study…

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