1 Corinthians 16

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1Co 16:1-4     What was the purpose of the collection Paul was taking up?  See Acts 24:17, Rom 15:25-27, 2 Cor 8:1-4,13-14.  How would such a gift have made the Gentile Christians more acceptable to the believing Jews?  Is it significant that it was on the first day of the week that Paul told them to set…

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1 Corinthians 15

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1Co 15:1-11       Recall that the Corinthians had written to Paul with questions about various topics that he had been addressing (see 1Co 7:1, 8:1, 12:1).  What topic does he now begin to address?  See 1Co 15:12.  In light of this topic, what is Paul’s purpose in 1Co 15:1-11?  Is it to give a one paragraph…

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1 Corinthians 14

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1Co 14:1-5          Do Paul’s word’s on the superiority of love as the supreme goal negate the importance of spiritual gifts?  What gift in particular does he recommend?  Is the purpose of the gift of prophecy to divine the future?  What is its purpose?  See 1Co 14:3.  Why does Paul say that the gift of prophesy…

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1 Corinthians 13

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1Co 13:1-3          Why is it significant that Paul mentions tongues and prophecy first when describing the superiority and necessity of love?  See 1Co 14:2-3.  Why is it significant that he also mentions knowledge?  See 1Co 8:1-2,7,11.  Is it possible to speak in tongues, prophecy, and have knowledge and great faith, but not have love?  What…

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1 Corinthians 12

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1Co 12:1-3     Recall that the Corinthians had written to Paul with questions about various topics that he had been addressing (see 1Co 7:1, 8:1).  What topic does he now begin to address?  Note: The questions the Corinthians had about spiritual gifts were the same ones churches today have: Because of its glitz some were exalting…

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1 Corinthians 11:17-34

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1Co 11:17-22 In 1Co 11:2 Paul praised the Corinthians for holding firmly to the traditions he had passed on to them: the church was observing the creation order of headship by having the women cover their heads when praying or prophesying, and it was also observing the Lord’s supper.  What question had arisen about the…

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1 Corinthians 11:2-16 (Headcovering – part 1)

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In 1Co 11:2, what tradition that he delivered to the Corinthians does Paul have in mind that he praises them for holding firmly?  See 1Co 11:3-16.  Were there competing cultural practices in that day in regard to head coverings during worship?  Note: Roman men and women both covered their heads during worship; neither Greek men…

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1 Corinthians 11:1-16

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1Co 11:1          How is this verse a summary of 1Co 8-10?  See 1Co 8:13, 9:12,19-22, 10:32-33. 1Co 11:2-7       When praising the Corinthians for holding firmly to the traditions he had delivered to them, what traditions in particular does Paul have in mind?  See 1Co 11:3-16, 17-34.  Was the former tradition a mere custom without meaning…

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