1 Thessalonians 5

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1Th 5:1          “Times” refers to an extended period of time and “epochs” to a fixed time or date.  See Luke 20:9-10.  Why did the Thessalonians need no one to teach them about times and dates?  See verse 2, and Mat 24:36, Acts 1:6-7. 1Th 5:2          In what way will the day of the Lord come…

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1 Thessalonians 4

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Having reminded the Thessalonians of his ministry among them and expressed his joy that they were remaining steadfast in their new Christian faith (chapters 1-3), Paul now directs his attention to encouraging them on to a still greater depth of Christian maturity while addressing some minor issues and concerns that Timothy had reported to the…

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1 Thessalonians 3

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1Th 3:1          Explain the chronology and locations of Paul’s interaction with the Thessalonians.  See Acts 17:1-18:5.  Who is the “we” here?  What does this verse tell us about the deep concern Paul felt for those children he had begotten in the Lord?  Was travel free in those days?  How might Paul’s experience with the Galatian…

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1 Thessalonians 2

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1Th 2: 1          What does Paul mean that his coming to the Thessalonians was not in vain? 1Th 2:2          What gave Paul such boldness to proclaim the gospel in the midst of such persecution? 1Th 2:3-6     How was Paul different from other religious teachers? 1Th 2:5          In what way have religious teachers throughout history used…

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1 Thessalonians 1

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Background:   What is the background for this letter?  See Acts 16-17, esp. Act 17:1-15, 1Th 3:1-3 and notes below. 1Th 1:1          Who wrote the letter to the Thessalonians?  Who was with Paul when he wrote it? 1Th 1:2          How often did Paul pray for the Thessalonians? See Rom 1:8-9, Eph 1:15-16, Phil 1:3-4, Col…

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